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Надо будет как-нибудь глянуть анимешку. Уж больно няши тут суровые)
Deuce rarely sings songs with deep meanings and connotations, it is one of the few, and the meaning of the song just simply ignored. M / v is not suitable. Random under the Black Lagoon, it was already 1000. In terms of technique, too, nothing fresh. Although which clips are selected from the evaluation and which are not really getting hurt.
Semargl - Credo Revolution (Zardonic Remix)
ну да, та штука раз 10 добротнее сделана.
I agree, the video is done very well, but the music is not under clip. I love heavier
I see, sorry I don't really know much russian! thanks xD
Stolen? I dont think so. Maybe, more precisely was "inspired by". At the end, your AMV better than "Shoot Me", IMHO.
As far my russian gets me, ur saying that I stole some clips from that (rly amazing!) vid? if is that what ur saying then no but if ur just simply comparing them to one to another, u must understand that if u like vanilla others may not
Overall great job genooooshiix !
Музыка оставила равнодушным. Хотя от этого исполнителя ( и от андеадов ) у меня достаточно треков в плейлисте.
В целом клип смотрибелен, твердая четверочка.
3...just because Black Lagoon is too good anime!