Клип участник конкурса AMVNews: Level Up 2011
Eny: After re-watching one of the final EF's episodes I thought..."What if Chihiro couldn't be saved after all? What if she had to remain forever trapped in her own soul?" With this in mind I just grabbed the original story that she wrote in the anime and gave it my own twist. If Chihiro couldn't be saved by the one she loved, she would have been forever lost inside her own little island until the day she eventually grew tired of it, tired of all the things she couldn't comprehend even if she wanted to and then decide to just erase it all, including herself. With no one to show her the possibilities of a "real" human life, the God -- Chihiro -- ends up destroying, in seconds what took ages to build by simply burning it all down to ashes.
For this AMV I tried to show how life was for Chihiro after she started to slowly discover what it was like to be loved and to love someone back and the despair she felt when she realized she couldn't have the person she wished for. With her memories disappearing after a rather small amount of time in the real world and the "windows for reality" -- her paintings -- becoming blurry no matter how hard she tried to stop it in her own world, she ended up lost in herself not knowing where to go next or what to do with her feelings until she just collapses and finally succeeds to end all her suffering.
In the end, instead of saving her...love only made her inevitable destruction arrive faster...
Aimo: A fantastic piece of work with excellent storytelling and video atmosphere. The sadness from the story is portrayed well through use of voice-overs and typography.Novice was also very easy and fun to work with as she accepted the critique I offered and tried to make use of feedback to improve the video. Overall, I am very pleased. :)
Аниме: Ef: A Tale Of Memories, Ef: A Tale Of Melodies
Музыка: 里都 - White Season
Не особо выделяется из множества подобных работ на эту пару в Эф.
Хотелось бы что-то новое в плане ехники, да и сюжета увидеть. Посредственно.
But still, something makes me to rate it 5. %)
Сюжет и атмосфера тащат весь клип.
Да, кадры заезженные, но ставить это в упрёк данной работе по меньшей мере глупо, т.к. всё в клипе смотрится цельно и органично.
Высший балл.
Great story and atmosphere! Take 5 +)
Favourite anime - favourite pair, but oh well :P
Think you improved a little compared to other videos me seen ^^
Hope you do good :3
Поставлю 4
Многое для меня ожидаемо, но это... да ещё и на такой трек. Божественно. Я очень сильно впечатлён. 5.
Техники много, своеобразная подача исходника, музыка ни че так, но все равно что-то не то.
В целом клип понравился. Правда на счет Левел Апа ничего сказать не могу, предыдущих работ автора не видел.
Клип оставил какие то не ясные чувства ,но думаю работа на 4
соглашусть ток что музыка на любителя, но исходник отличный, чего нельзя сказать про данное амв, ожидал большего по такому исходнику. б/о
Anyway for those interested(and I can vaguely see from some comments) you can view most of Eny's works here:
Org profile: (only has 2 videos) http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/members_myprofile.php?user_id=1034243
А так пожалуй 4+, за музыку и тексты
Спокойствие, друг мой, только спокойствие. Тебе непременно воздастся такая жертва... в лучшем из миров.
So boooring, but sometimes it looks really nice. 4-