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I like the rhythm of the song, I always put music that is from the anime itself when I make an AMV and the lyrics go very well with the movie ^^
ok, thanks, I know how to synchronize, but as I said, it is desynchronized on purpose, only some moments there is a certain synchronization to give a little coherence but that's all
Vapour liv(f)e
.grs, Ok I think you mean the lyrics from minute 2:30, where they sing the English version and the Japanese version together and the lyrics appear at the same rhythm that they sing the song, the lyrics that remain in each scene have a meaning with that same scene
for example asuka appears and you see the word heart and "I'm here" in Japanese いるよ
Thanks for the comment ^^
текст либо есть на всём протяжении клипа и это лирик видео, либо его нет вообще, всё остальное спорно. ну а вообще https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9DrGNL_LZ8
Громкое утверждение. Что же он сделал неправильно? Чем клип принципиально отличается по уровню от:
Возможно, он и ориентировался на такие работы.
Но у него не получилось (твоя первая ссылка на Ютуб и этот клип по атмосфере и общему впечатлению - как две противоположности), и проблема в этом:
NIGHT, I appreciate your comment, I'll explain a little,
I'm not looking to synchronize the scenes with the music perfectly, what I was looking for was a smooth harmony, not a drum or cymbal hit, but a greater interaction with the song, I've put all my efforts into doing it and I have no problems synchronizing to perfection any scene as I have done with other AMVs,
but I wasn't looking for that here.
anyway thank you very much for the comment
Goliard, Exactly, I'm glad you like it and thanks for the help ^.^
NIGHT, похоже, что автор ориентировался на официальные видео вроде этих:
Отсюда специфический монтаж, текстовые эффекты. И что характерно, у него получилось: видео вполне органично бы смотрелось на офф канале Утады Хикару.
И он выглядит органично.
Music is divided like this:
1) 00:00:500-00:02:500
2) 00:02:500-00:04:500
3) 00:04:500-00:06:500
4) 00:06:500-00:08:500
5) 00:08:500-00:10:500
But your video scenes are divided like this:
1) 00:00:500-00:02:500 [+ sync]
2) 00:02:500-00:03:500 [- sync]
3) 00:03:500-00:04:500 [- sync]
4) 00:04:500-00:07:000 [- sync]
5) 00:07:000-00:08:500 [- sync]
6) 00:08:500-00:11:000 [+ sync]
Further. Plot. What is it all about and about what? What happens in this AMV and where is the connection between the different pieces?
Why Japanese characters are embedded in the video sequence is unclear, because this is clearly not M@D-video.
The English lyrics embedded in the video sequence (hardsubs) are not needed (00:40, 00:43, 00:46). Please don't do them "just to have them", it's pointless.
00:55 - this is called a "clapping mouth". Unnecessary or "absolutely unnecessary in this particular place" movements of the lips of the character.
I looked for exactly 1 minute, and nothing that I saw attracted attention when viewing.
Therefore, all I can say about your video is "everything is bad". It's sad, but a fact, sorry.
There is syncing in the video, but sometimes it is not necessary to sync every scene.
thanks for the comment and nice to meet you ^^
El texto incrustado en la secuencia de vídeo no es necesario.
/ Sin evaluación.