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Стилистика, местами, шатает (в хорошем смысле).
Моё настроение успело сменится, за протяженностью клипа, от скептического до почти восторженного. Значит пусть будет пять.
Так основная фича клипа же, не?
Без этого будет середняк, мимо которого пройдешь и не заметишь, а так выделился...
GG man GG. This hit my tingles in the right spots
Тоже пересмотрел, при первом просмотре думал что за школьники взрывают что то) но опять таки хочется более серьезных кадров.
Airone очень классный клип в качестве первой самостоятельной работы! Желаю удачи в будущих проектах! :like:
А остальным советую ещё раз пересмотреть ;)
Я может что-то пропустил или че, но с каких пор стало модным делать пиксельные переходы? У меня в свое время артефакты такие появлялись, не по моей воле. Аж флешбекнуло
To build the entire video on such a visual was risky, but worth, and you manage to deal with it, gj for that. But this is the only thing i liked.
Video overall lacks any meaning and flow. Its like you simply put some random scenes, so it was not fun to watch.
Btw, your video in pros and cons looks like the opposite of the previous one from the contest lol
i see the drug killings but i dont see the drugs or how they even ingest them i need to understand how it is a k(c)artel selling drugs and killing the people that dont pay or the enemies yet we do not see the process of selling and acquiring drugs are the drugs just innate to the people with colors please i do not understand is it even a cartel ?? idk man do u even run a cartel how can you make a video about a cartel if you dont know how to run a cartel im seriously asking this question I am seriously and tremendously troubled by this. I i am very concerned is there a cartel that is just about pixelated colors please i do not understand. I want to know this cartel's name. ok let me watch it again
yes oke so ur saying that the drugs are the opioid crisis? is that it cuz i only see ingestion via intravenous during a hospital or did she died cuz she took too many drugs on the hospital how can you assume she took drugs why dont u show she tookdrugs yes it must have been the serum or what the morphine, yea cuz morphine also is a drug but ok. ... Also why are the police with the colors are the police also with drugs are they all drug users is this some sort of allegory about drugs everywhere and that every medicaly acquired drug is it a drug run by a cartel or is it a drug imposed to society by thegovernment? and the big pharma? . I do not understand
is this about monsanto? and bayern merging together last year?
oke iam more confused
are guns and military equipment drugs because i see the girl with a granade are u implying it is not a real granade but a chemical granade i am troubled by this.
oh wait
the colors and "drugs" are just meant to imply violent and evil excitment cuz serotonin produced when you do harm? idk
man am i thinking too much
i still dont get how is this a cartel it feels like its just a general idea of what a cartel looks like to someone who doesnt live near cartels oke i dk man cultural appropiation i think idk man
anyway i dont get why eveyrone hates on the black and white
I like it i mean i can only see i infrarred but i mean its cuz im selling and using drugs and fighting the cartel next town which is not shown in this video man
idk black and white is fine
everything in life is black and white
there is no grey
actually if u zoom into the grey ull see that its just more pixels of black and white
much love mon amour but i expected netflix narcos and i got fifa2015
this video made me want to enter the contest:
i see the drug killings but i dont see the drugs or how they even ingest them i need to understand how it is a k(c)artel selling drugs and killing the people that dont pay or the enemies yet we do not see the process of selling and acquiring drugs are the drugs just innate to the people with colors please i do not understand is it even a cartel ?? idk man do u even run a cartel how can you make a video about a cartel if you dont know how to run a cartel im seriously asking this question I am seriously and tremendously troubled by this. I i am very concerned is there a cartel that is just about pixelated colors please i do not understand. I want to know this cartel's name. ok let me watch it again
yes oke so ur saying that the drugs are the opioid crisis? is that it cuz i only see ingestion via intravenous during a hospital or did she died cuz she took too many drugs on the hospital how can you assume she took drugs why dont u show she tookdrugs yes it must have been the serum or what the morphine, yea cuz morphine also is a drug but ok. ... Also why are the police with the colors are the police also with drugs are they all drug users is this some sort of allegory about drugs everywhere and that every medicaly acquired drug is it a drug run by a cartel or is it a drug imposed to society by thegovernment? and the big pharma? . I do not understand
is this about monsanto? and bayern merging together last year?
oke iam more confused
are guns and military equipment drugs because i see the girl with a granade are u implying it is not a real granade but a chemical granade i am troubled by this.
oh wait
the colors and "drugs" are just meant to imply violent and evil excitment cuz serotonin produced when you do harm? idk
man am i thinking too much
i still dont get how is this a cartel it feels like its just a general idea of what a cartel looks like to someone who doesnt live near cartels oke i dk man cultural appropiation i think idk man
anyway i dont get why eveyrone hates on the black and white
I like it i mean i can only see i infrarred but i mean its cuz im selling and using drugs and fighting the cartel next town which is not shown in this video man
idk black and white is fine
everything in life is black and white
there is no grey
actually if u zoom into the grey ull see that its just more pixels of black and white
much love mon amour but i expected netflix narcos and i got fifa2015
Картинка понравилась, даже глитч понравился, в данном клипе он был использован довольно интересно и уместно.
После второго просмотра даже немного понял задумку автора (подчеркиваю, что немного), но после первого просмотра мало что отложилось в голове по поводу сюжета. В остальном, считаю, клип довольно интересным с неплохим потенциалом на конкурсе. От меня 5-
Пирсоединюсь. Хотя проблема тут для меня не только и не столько в однообрзансоти эффекта этого разложения спектра, как такового. А в том. что он помножен на однообразность трека, тусклость и однообразную серую картинку и отсутсвтие какого-то развития и кульминации (если кто-то против такой вещи, как "сюжет").
Еще - очень много общих планов. Когда баланс не в пользу крупняка, уже через минуту психологическим приветом от автора посредством монтажки является "да не важно это все... и это... и вообще весь клип).
И даже при том, что клип вполне добротный к середине начинаешь скучать.
Что до этих ярких полосок, то если всюду "по тексту" эффект юзают, то он явно что-то должен означать для самого атовра, как минимум.
Ну вот когда девущка безгала с икасаэдром вместо головы, это сразу в лет означало "единственная моя...".
А тут. Ну если это был сарказм, то в некоторых местах этой радуги не хватало, как минимум когда девушка красит губы.
В целом же было много удачных моментов, и если бы работа была покороче, вся эта цветастая идея и дух клана вывезли бы клип.
Для эпилептиков еще надо какую-то пометку сделать предупредительную, а то я сам чуть не начал от этой свестопляски дергаться в кресле.