
Лента оценочной
Новые клипы Feline Fantasy Среда, 31 Август 2011

Незамысловатый юмористический профайлик, посвященный мурлыкающему животному с усами, лапами и хвостом, иначе говоря, коту. Сразу после просмотра я связался с автором, который меня заверил: во время съемок клипа кот не пострадал! Oops, шутка :) Приятного просмотра! :)

Автор: dokidoki
Аниме: Kimagure Orange Road (OVA), Kimagure Orange Road (TV)
Музыка: Shonen Knife - Catnip Dream

Feline Fantasy


Новые клипы Gendo's Paradise Понедельник, 29 Август 2011

Комментарий автора: Well I was kinda pushed by my friends to make this AMV, but it turned out very well I think. On the begining there was my friends crazy idea to make an AMV which will for sure win the first price on Animefest 2006 AMV contest. They wanted to use Neon Genesis Evangelion as a footage and make their own music based on Coolio's "Gangsta's paradise".
After some months of work (about 6 months I think) they made up lyrics and recorded it. I participated on that as a recordist, mixer and mastering engineer. Than (about 9 days before contest deadline) I started with editing the video. It took me whole 7 days (approx. 12 hours a day) to put it together and another two days to polish it.
And finally it really won the first price!

Because of the original lyrics, we decided to make a harcoded karaoke. So if you don't understand the lyrics, try to follow the karaoke.

Автор: Manta
Аниме: Neon Genesis Evangelion, End of Evangelion
Музыка: Original: own lyrics for Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise", which are strongly inspired by Weird Al Yankovic's - "Amish Paradise".

Gendo's Paradise


Новые клипы A magical place Понедельник, 29 Август 2011

Комментарий автора: xD one thing, I speak Spanish, so that if I have to use google translator for this as my knowledge of English is very poor, sorry ^^ haha

First time I think a video like this, and I'm very proud of the result. This was the reason why I absent from amv `s and was not only for the classes, although in part it was also so-dies-(?) Wanted out of my fear and great doubt, whether I could make a mad ...

Before this video, I saw several mad `s and several of which inspired me to believe and I forged my own ... This is the first time I do something like this and may have some errorcitos, but that is unimportant, I focus on that.

3 Months, making this video, devoting hours of editing, 4 to 2 hours per day or so ... One of the reasons why I was late with this video classes, as usual, any human being is wrong She laughs desperately-(?) Well, anyway, in the progress of this video I realized how fun it is to work only with Adobe alter effects, without any other high school program video editing, but this program ... For the rest I used Cinema4D, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop ... Nothing more ...

It should be noted that as I was focused on the idea out of my fear and great doubt, but also inspire me by a mad edit @ r @ `s knock Evanlet (not if it is male or female, but it sounds a girl more than anything else ... (pun intended ...)

Anyway, I will focus on advertising itself, in this video wanted to show just a magical place as stated in the title, most obviously with the anime used to make mad `s in most of the time, Touhou, and course, using some funds from the movie 5cm per second ... It has some beautiful backgrounds xD not deny it either-or

One more thing, for those who come to ask in which case: Hey Bir Why put Japanese text? There is a simple reason for all that, my English skills are limited and although I know there is someone who could help me to translate because it is not, and when he wanted, it was too late, all texts were in Japanese, though in truth it matters little to me, do not take a lot of importance ...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my video, I love most in this video are honest opinions, open and professional too ... But most of all be sincere and constructive xD but sometimes that fuck a little, things have to be, if not then when will it get better? ^ ^

Greetings and see you soon.

Автор: bir458lll
Аниме: Touhou, 5 cm per second
Музыка: Nostalgia - Touhou Vocal 13

A magical place


Конкурсы Конкурс AMVNews: Team Battle 2011 (Демонстрация) Воскресенье, 28 Август 2011

Название клипа
(Video title)
Страница клипа
(Video page)
01.10.2011 Artofeel tROLLING CUBES TEAM: 100% Sugar Butthurt Monochrome Psycho Smile Garden Ссылка / Link
30.09.2011 aZZa tROLLING CUBES TEAM: 100% Sugar Butthurt Trash Котики обо всём Ссылка / Link
29.09.2011 mwDeus tROLLING CUBES TEAM: 100% Sugar Butthurt Not Again Kokain Sugar Ссылка / Link
28.09.2011 Tana-sama tROLLING CUBES TEAM: 100% Sugar Butthurt Cross-over Behind Ссылка / Link
Показать всю таблицу / Show full table

Все клипы конкурса >>>>

Новые клипы I am zombie ? Суббота, 27 Август 2011

Комментарий автора: Что можно сказать? В первую очередь что это довольно экспериментальная работа для меня, и что хотелось создать фан, но получаем что есть =) Кстати на ютубе немного другая версия. И конечно, приятного просмотра =)

Автор: Buffoon
Аниме: Kore wa Zombie Desuka
Музыка: Electric Light Orchestra - Roll Over Beethoven (Single Version)
Награды: Выбор Animau на Animau 2011

I am zombie ?


Новые клипы Dead Innocence Пятница, 26 Август 2011

Комментарий автора: Нет повести печальнее на свете, чем повесть о Ромео и ... измене. Столь хрупки девичьи сердца, столь импульсивны анимешны души (а у беременных у школьниц и тем паче XD). Любовь предательством очернена и обратится в ненависть она.
Прозаично говоря: моя очередная незатейливая работка. Содержит немного альтернативы.

P.S.: до окончания работы других клипов по этому аниме не смотрела, так что если (ВНЕЗАПНО) увидите нечто знакомое - так сложились звезды >_>

Автор: orlyana
Аниме: School Days
Музыка: Avril Lavigne - Innocence

Dead Innocence


Новые клипы I Think I'm A Clone Now (Kaysow Extended Remake) Среда, 24 Август 2011

Комментарий автора: After finishing up Engel, there's been demand for a better encoded one, in corrected aspect ratio. While tinkering about with that, I got a request from Sand Camel Productions to go at it with Studio Service's classic "I Think I'm A Clone Now", and eagerly accepted. It's a nice little video, not grand or anything, but neat nonetheless.
And a good excuse to get away from Engel for a while, trying to figure this 4:3 bullshit out.

For this; thank Sand Camel for getting it done, James Kao and Gregory Marques for the original edit, and Kionon for the awe-inspiring aspect ratio. Oh and me too, don't forget me.

There was this little clip in it with a chibi animation of Rei, which I couldn't tell for the life of me where it came from, so I redid that in flash. That's the "original animation" =)

This is the final, extended version. I really liked the song, and thought it a shame it ended so fast, so now it's about 30 seconds longer than the original video. It came out quite nicely, I'd say.

Автор: Kaysow
Аниме: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Музыка: Weird Al Yankovic - I Think I'm A Clone Now

I Think I'm A Clone Now (Kaysow Extended Remake)


Новые клипы 補完計劃 (Family supplemen Вторник, 23 Август 2011

Клип с первого дня MaDeMAD 2011.

Аниме: Various
Музыка: 澤野弘之 - 自由への逃走



Новые клипы Vongola Decimo Воскресенье, 21 Август 2011

Комментарий автора: Давно хотелось сделать что-нибудь на Реборна, но все не находил подходящую музыку, а радномный экшн как то делать не хотелось. В итоге решил сделать трейлер и взял аудиодорожку фонаря. Дубляж в русском трейлере звучит лучше исходной английской дорожки, так что начал работать с русской версией. Много хлопот доставил липсинк (в след. раз буду брать трейлер, где поменьше говорят -__-) и поиск подходящих кадров. Что из этого получилось, судить вам. Приятного просмотра)
P.S. Decimo - Десятый

Автор: C1oud
Аниме: Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn
Музыка: Green Lantern Trailer Audio

Vongola Decimo


Конкурсы Продление сроков Team Battle 2011 Суббота, 20 Август 2011

По многочисленным просьбам дедлайн для отправки работ на конкурс Team Battle 2011 продлен с 20 августа до 28 августа (включительно).

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