New videos The way of redemption
Friday, 19 August 2011
Author's comment: This is a my old job. The anime is Sword of the Stranger and is one of my favorites. The video speaks particularly of the protagonist nanashi , or a samurai with no name , that constantly haunted by nightmares of the past, led him to seal his sword, in search of redemption. Anyway I hope you like it and the next is still better than the previous.
Information Author: Kyros Anime: Sword of the Stranger Music: Red - Hide
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Author's comment: I made this back in April/May for Kaipi's birthday except I haven't uploaded it till now because I couldn't think of a good poster idea. I'm sorry this is late. Although for you this isn't really late since you ALREADY SAW THE AMV BEFORE YOUR BIRTHDAY. But anyway, I hope you like it. ^^ Special thanks to CodeZTM, MystykAMV and TritioAFB for beta testing! ^^
Information Author: AimoAio Anime: Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Music: A Static Lullaby - Toxic
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Author's comment: This AMV was made for those who love and know how good it is to stand by who you really like. I will not spend much time talking about the video, watch and comment. And much luck in love for you all.
Information Author: Sniper Anime: B Gata H Kei (TV), Bokura ga Ita (TV), Ef - a tale of memories (TV), Inu Yasha (TV), Kissxsis (TV), Rosario + Vampire (TV), Rosario + Vampire Capu2 (TV), Yu Yu Hakusho Music: 3OH!3 - My First Kiss
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Клип с конкурса 瀧沉琉璃MAD工坊夏日祭 2010 организованного Raindrop Lazurite Studio.
Information Author: xiaobai927 Anime: Various Music: Ami Koshimizu - 玻璃の空 (Edited Ver)
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Contests Победители Collab Con 2011
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Завершился небольшой командный конкурс от CreaSpace. Поздравляем победителей!
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Contests АМВ-конкурс в рамках ОТОБЭ-2011
Monday, 15 August 2011
Фестиваль ОТОБЭ - 2011, который пройдет в Киеве с 30 сентября по 2 октября, приглашает клипмейкеров принять участие в АМВ-конкурсе. Заявки для участия в конкурсе принимаются до 20 сентября 2011 года. Принимаются клипы, которые ранее не участвовали в других конкурсах и не демонстрировались в сети. К конкурсу допускается по одной работе от каждого клипмейкера или группы клипмейкеров, работающих над общим проектом (возможны исключения). Основными призами будут грамоты, атрибутика фестиваля, а так же статуэтки (подробности будут объявлены позже). Более подробная инфомрация на нашем форуме. More... →
Author's comment: Hey, this is my first post to AMVNews; I’ve seen many amazing editors within this website so I hoped that I could be reviewed by them.
One thing that I wanted to portray through this video was the idea of Cynicism playing a huge role within somebody’s life; it often causes them to look negatively upon everything and can become a big hindrance to not only themselves but to those around them. Kyon, within this video, let his cynicism deflate his esteem – he began to doubt himself and those around him – while life seemed so confusing and out of touch for him, it was well for everyone else. Through to the end of the video I wanted to fully express the concept that traits such as this can ruin relationships with other people, the gun and death being metaphors of the death of a relationship/friendship. Naturally a somewhat ‘grungy’ feel worked well this idea and I’m also glad this song was created too as it compliments exactly what I was trying to show.
I really loved making this AMV so I hope that shines through; though it may not be the longest of AMV’s I feel that it’s length is just enough to deliver the meaning while not drawing it out too much.
Information Author: Eion Anime: Suzumiya Haruhi no Shōshitsu Music: Halou - Honeythief
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Совместный проект нескольких известных авторов жанра M@D.
Треклист: 0:00 ~ 0:20 SORYU 0:20 ~ 0:40 アランスミ氏 0:40 ~ 1:00 かえる 1:00 ~ 1:11 ziro 1:11 ~ 1:21 龍花 1:21 ~ 1:42 ろんず 1:42 ~ 1:55 recoba
Information Author: SORYU Anime: Eden of The East Music: School Food Punishment - Light Prayer
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Author's comment (перевод): Клип сделан для конкурса Japan Expo International AMV contest 2011. Занял пятое место. Я большой поклонник работ Самана Кешвараза (Saman Keshavarz), он сделал несколько потрясающих клипов. После выхода его трилогии клипов на треки из альбома Midnight Club EP от Russ Chimes я тоже решил сделать работу на одну из этих трех песен. Но подумал, что было бы интереснее сделать свою АМВ-трилогию вместе с еще двумя мейкерами. Я поговорил об этом с Nostromo и Reznic'ом, поскольку знал, что им нравится подобная музыка (а Ностро вообще-то и группу эту знает, так что мне представился неплохой шанс).
Уточняющий момент: между этими тремя клипами нет никакой связи, кроме одинаковых титров (начальных и конечных) и нескольких отсылок к двум другим работам.
- Sony Vegas 8
- 2 месяца работы
Russ Chimes Project:
- Часть 1 (Nostromo)
- Часть 3 (Reznic)
Author: Snowcrash
Anime: Tokyo tribe 2, Batman Beyond, Dance Central, Clichés de soirée (french short-movie)
Music: Russ Chimes part 2 - Tertre Rouge (Nostromix)
Awards: 5 место на Japan Expo 2011
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New videos Sleeping Beauty
Thursday, 11 August 2011
"Sleeping Beauty totally sold me on the anime and it never slowed down throughout the whole video." /VicBond007/
"I was sitting there, watching it build up and after the first few scenic shots with the castle and the wind turbines I was like, "Oh...this isn't really an action vi---HOLY CRAP DID THOSE VINES JUST HATCH MONSTERS?!?!" and I was SOLD from that point on. Really, really great buildup, and when the action part hit it was like going from 0-600 mph in two seconds, and I totally loved it." /Junipertay/
This happened suddenly. I watched the anime and I had freetime to edit. Programs used: Sony Vegas 8.0 and Virtual Dub Mod
Information Author: Kyssifur Anime: King of Thorn (Ibara no Ou) Music: Pendulum - Girl in the fire Awards: Best Action Video @ ConnectiCon 2011
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