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Хз-хз, бест драма, стори, романтик, сантиментал, фан, чарактер профиль, юз оф спешл эффектз, мост артистик, мост ориджинал, юз оф инструментал мьюзик, юз оф мультипл аниме, эдитор оф зе иар, мост импрувмент эдитор, видео оф зе иар - пока наиболее очевидны за русскоговорящими авторами или хотя бы имеют равные шансы с другими.
С экшн, МЕП, комеди и пароди уже точно ничего не светит. В остальных номах хз, но в принципе неплохо и так.
Слабые все стали =(
Nan mais allo quoi ? C'est la guerre mondiale de 78 !
Kyros is the only other really active person i see, so its logical to assume its one of the three
Dark_Death, once you said "typical rising production video here...starts off in the evaluation...studio and friends vote for it to be on main....studio and friends rank it as 5 when its not even worth 5", like all our videos (mine included) are in the home page. Well actually I have only "Glorium" in it. Also, it has happened several times (I particularly remember my video ".DiE") that videos which could easly pass to the homepage, within ten minutes they passed from having 20 "for" and 10 "against" to 20 "for" and 40 "against". But this seems legit.
I could be a dickhead who likes flamming and because of this I have already enough haters, but I don't want to be involved in something i have nothing to do with.
If the other members have as many account as you said, I don't know anything about it and it's unfair involve all the studio when maybe there's only one nocive member and not all of us.
I keep track of all the accounts extra votes were posted from, so as of now I have enough reasons to ban some of these people for multi-accounting. Should also say that, watching this kind of situation at AMVNews, I'm not surprised much with VCA voting results. You may be a strong and unified studio with strong support in domestic and international community, but I had my chance to see that you use some pretty much unfair rules to play by.
Best Multi-Editor Project (Shin-AMV (Shin ) - A-M-V.org Viewer's Choice Awards – Finalists - которое по сути склейка из финалистов прошлого года. Исключительно для привлечения внимания. И не надеясь пройти в полу финал, но вот оно перед нами. Уверен можно также найти чего-то в таком духе.
However, if they are unworthy videos, they won't surely be in the finals.
There are also other things that I didn't like in these semifinals, for example Affective Schoolgirls which is not in the Best Action category while it's clearly the true winner.
Like a cancer to the amv community these people, basically cheating when there is no reason to.
А, так он и не добавлял свой клип туда
Нет, конечно. Просто они за 3 дня делают круче, чем наши за недели и месяцы. :D
Even the youtube can see that https://twitter.com/BestAMVs/status/310368475015155714 , French probably thinking the same
Best single source is a good example for the whole sham as well, no Affective Schoolgirls or Orion to name two, yet there are 13 Rising Production videos nominated....are you kidding me? viewers definitely like those videos, but they are to busy voting for friends only....
Personally, saw no GLORY OR Affective Schoolgirls in best action so didn't check the rest.