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I really appreciate this man, thats quite an huge compliment for me!
yeah no criticism towards you. this vid looks like something you made simply because of your own joy so i feel no need to throw a bunch of criticisms about the vid towards you
but yeah, a lot of people upload here, but this site likes to "judge" whether videos are "worthy" of front page etc....and so if I am to "judge" like them, I don't understand how they came to their decision since this vid is generic in all ways pretty much and could be better executed. i'm sure you understand what i mean by generic, since again i feel it's something you made out of your own interests and fun, regardless of what other people are making
I'm not taking the blame.
I feel a bit of hate there, not towards me of course, and honesty id never expected myself this to get in the frontpage, so i understand your feelings
Клип хороший. И прям очень рад, что тот самый стиль и чувство трека до сих пор видны. Но просто жутко не нравится, то как порезан трек.. Прям вообще. Но что поделаешь.
Ну и исходник мне внешне не нравится ( ну не всем же ваш хваленый драконий мяч должен нравиться )