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Монтаж и подбор кадров, весь клип от начала становился всё хуже и невнятнее, и в итоге, под конец, скатились вообще непонятно к чему. Некоторая милая атмосферка (опять, кажется, заслуга исходника, а не автора) здесь клип не уровняла. За сюжетом Я не уследил, но кажется он был.
Ну раз ты так говоришь.
Мне, наверное, перед просмотром клипов нужно пить больше водки, что бы более успешно разбирать истории и профили.
Thanks! So far from what I've heard, the AMV works way better for people who actually have not seen the show. Not like it's a bad thing, it was just unintentional lol.
Hey I 100% agree with you, thanks! I know for sure this is not the best that I am capable of and I'm glad someone else sees it in me.
The missing "wow moment" is also 100% right, that's something I have struggled with in this AMV a lot and I was not able to pull that off. Partly because of lack of scenes, lack of time and also partly because of no real good ideas.
Thank you!
Your song choice accetutate it ones more all the atmosphere.
For me you did a great psychedelic piece with parts of drama.
Whish you the best. Good luck : )
Thank you for your comment, could you please elaborate a bit more?
It's true that I sacrificed a lot of the flow in slower parts for having a (kind of) story. But I never felt like it was that big of an issue. Some specific timestamps?
Now I know I should have scrapped the whole idea of having a story along with a strong atmosphere, sometimes it just can't work.
Sorry that I have failed your silver taste :'c
Enjoying the song is pretty key part of enjoying whole atmospheric AMVs. It is rather strange music, so I underestand not everyone can love the style as much.
I don't really agree with saying that the song is monotnous, it's quite the opposite, actually.
The very ending is pretty poorly executed, I agree on that though.
I'm not sure what to imagine as horror/psychadelic then. Any examples? How else would you categorize my vid?
И никакой psychedelic/horror тут нет.
Просто ровный скучный клип с цветофильтрами.
И хоррора тут нет, и психодела. Да. Такие пироги.
P.S. Давайте уже эбисс под какой нибудь митольчек. Хорошож пойдёт. Ну плз.
Ради галочки просто делал, думаю он будет рад это увидеть
П. С. а тут как с глубоким смыслом? Не нашел?
Омегалул просто. 5 галочек из 5, смеялся на крипи-партах.
the thing u tried to reply to, wasn't an opinion it was a hidden msg only few folks know what it means
my opinion or in other words *fact* was the one below
If you think psychedelic=glitches please refrain from giving your opinion
but well whatever, the outcame is too bronze even tho the editing is kinda gold/silver, the song is bad af had to skip secs and secs, so yea. the amv meets the standards yet not enjoyable at all
читаем: My first try on psychedelic/horror genre. не удалось. I tried to match and emphasize the atmosphere of the song in combination with atmophere of Made in Abyss... удалось. ...while maintaining the main storyline. не удалось
Замечательная история и профили вышли. Аккуратный клип на уровне.
Что не совсем пришлось по душе - трек немного такой как мантра ровный. А мне хотелось больше воздуха и разгона, как в основной музыкальной теме сериала. Поменьше монстров, и побольше красоты. Темную сторону истории всегда успеется увидеть. Ожидания-реальность мои.
Титры приятные.