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Комментарий автора: This is a video I made for AWA Pro 2016. There's a long dramatic story behind why I made that, but I put it at the bottom for the people who care. xD I also have another Pro video I'm uploading in a few days, but people won't like that one as much so I decided to upload this first ^^

Ramble about video: 

I know a lot of people don't like it when someone's video comes with a monologue, and that's why I put it down here, and kind of out of the way. I just didn't feel right releasing this without talking about the subject. I'm going to go ahead and say, this is a very autobiographical video about a lot of my life and feelings. Not the specific events as much, but falling out with the parent, and the constant fear of how everyone thinks of you, regardless of how irrational the fear is. The core of the video is trying to focus on social anxiety, and the heavy weight of sadness and loneliness it brings. I have been having severe social anxiety issues most of my life, and I just wanted to capture the feeling and some of the thoughts as best as I could in the video. A lot of the abstract imagery even relates to how my personal state of mind feels when I'm having an episode, especially the clip with the thorns coming out of the girl's mouth. I will frequently try to talk, but suddenly find myself completely unable to, and it physically feels like there are thorns or other sharp objects clogging my throat, making it feel impossible to say the simplest of words. 

It also shows how feeling stuff like self doubt and anxiety doesn't only effect your mental state, but your physical one as well. The scenes of her clutching her stomach are a good representation of that. You get physically sick, and it feels awful. Now, I am a lot better than I used to be as far as my social anxiety goes, but there are still a lot of times it greatly impacts the way in which I go about doing the simplest of daily activities. However, the things that help me the most to get out of those states of mind are doing activities I love as well as the support of all the amazing friends I have, but yeah, this is how I made the video in relation to myself personally. 

I did, however, also want to make the video reach out to others as well, which is why I tried to tell the story in kind of a vague but consistent matter so it would be easier for other people to relate to it. Even though social anxiety and self doubt were the themes I was personally thinking of while I made this, it makes complete sense why someone may see it as something completely different. I didn't want to alienate anyone who couldn't personally relate to the themes that were in my head. 

I just wanted to do a write up of the social anxiety and self doubt themes because, for those of you who have these issues, a lot of people have them. You aren't alone in them, and you aren't some strange outcast who will never fit in anywhere because of them. For a long time, I just believed no one else thought that way, and there was just something really seriously wrong with me, and I do not want anyone else feeling that same way so if I can just help bring comfort to a single person, then this video was more than a success in my eyes.

Аниме: Kokoro no sakebitagatterunda
Музыка: Lauren Aquilina - Forest Fires
Награды: Best Sentimental, Best Character Profile на VCA 2017, Best Storytelling на AWA Pro 2016






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Автор: (клип создан: 30.09.2016)
Студия: PixelBlended Studios
Добавил: Minstrel 05.04.2017 в 23:40
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Комментарии (9)
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Ev.BArS   User profile
  04.02.2019 20:38
Milky Way   User profile
  07.04.2017 13:15
вот это я понимаю сделано с душой)драма,лирика,немного романтики... и видно,что автор вложила частичку себя)ничего лишнего)
Minstrel   User profile
  07.04.2017 11:02
Xophilarus, I'm glad that you've taken no offence. And the video is really great)
S.A. Robert   User profile
  07.04.2017 09:58
Первую минуту скучал, ближе к концу втянулся в атмосферу, приятная работа.
Xophilarus   User profile
  06.04.2017 18:01
Minstrel написал(а):

В свое время по этой причине и не добавила. Но клип участвует в конкурсах, получает награды и заслуживает распространения. Так что будем надеяться, что наш зритель не будет жесток.

I really appreciate the concern you and Lion have . I am not very sensitive though so even if a video is personal and people don't like it, it doesn't ever bother me. I understand there will always be videos I make people like and dislike. That being said, I am really happy that the people who have enjoyed the video so far have enjoyed it. I also always appreciate feedback on my videos, both positive and negative.
KuraganeIKKI   User profile  Video channel
  06.04.2017 14:14
Default Avatar
Ну мне понравилось,ставлю 5
Minstrel   User profile
  06.04.2017 07:17
Lion0608 написал(а):
Я, честно говоря, опасалась это делать, так как автор слишком много личного вложила в работу, о чем писала на Ютубе.

В свое время по этой причине и не добавила. Но клип участвует в конкурсах, получает награды и заслуживает распространения. Так что будем надеяться, что наш зритель не будет жесток.
Lion0608   User profile
  06.04.2017 00:41
Minstrel, огромное спасибо, что загрузили этот клип.
Я, честно говоря, опасалась это делать, так как автор слишком много личного вложила в работу, о чем писала на Ютубе.
В целом, очень складная история вышла, и если даже не так очевидна линия из исходника, где девочка немая, то в целом сюжет можно трактовать как историю какой-то девочки, с проблемами в социализации.
Ну тут еще много вещей хороших, который обращают внимание на ту работу.
Лирика хорошо по смыслу подходит. МВ красивое, а для автора еще и знаковое. Fidelity трек той же исполнительницы. Приятный монтаж. Как будто действительно посмотрел маленькое кино.
kebenaj написал(а):
такую же простую в серьёзности музыку, а не напускные пудры.

Ну, не знаю, может я недооцениваю "Сердце", но мне оно показалось достаточно будничным. И, чтобы сделать этот исходник ярким хочется какой-то более изящной музыки добавить. С простой он имеет тенденцию выглядеть слишком скучно...
kebenaj   User profile  Video channel
  06.04.2017 10:30
На 1:56 стоп. Няша Ксофиларус схалтурила.

PS. У вокалистки слишком жеманный голос. Я понимаю: контраст между тем, какая героиня снаружи, и тем, каково ей богато внутри, но в редкие моменты просветления сознания хочется, помимо невымученной серьёзности тем, слушать такую же простую в серьёзности музыку, а не напускные пудры.

PPS. Желаю Ксофи справиться со своими трудностями. Xophi, take your courage to the next level!

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