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Hey thanks, but is not so huge as you thought, it's pretty easy what I've done, but I'm happy to hear it :)
Yeah I know, I did an horrible mistake with sound fx, totally forgot about some of them, glad you like it btw
thx u Strat, actually I color corrected a lot here cause I want it to be very colorful, but actually I was able to do it "correctly" just a few times, I must agree with u that there are transitions not so clean and also many other mistakes, but I'm glad u like it
thx u too Leegf ;)
Despite of that, there are moments in which transitions between scenes doesn't look clean at all. Also, I would appreacite more color correction, but this only means that can be improved for next time.
It's okay, I really enjoyed it.
I don't think the AMV is that bad, he's not really experienced so you shouldn't be so hard
Wow. Do u feel strong behind a pc giving judgments about things u dpn't even know. You're just sad. We're supposed to be here to exchange opinions, not offenses, and maybe you don't know the difference...but it's pretty huge. GL for your life, you need it more than me with my amvs
You weren't even first. A position which has likely repeated itself in every aspect of your life.
woooah, If u want I can suggest u somehing even better for that purpose
it seems that u joined the forum just to type this comment, so proud of that
I'm not getting butthurt and you shouldn't either
I think you, like me, are not a native english speaker. All I can say is that you expressed your opinion better this time
You have flow, but there is no idea behind the video :/
I feel like dance-amvs have less and less anime...
You taking this pretty serious, aren't you? I was uttering my own opinion when I said that I would have liked it better if he would have animated more on his own, because it may have looked better if he fitted it more to the scenes/anime. This has nothing to do with drawing anime on your own lol. But, as I said before, it is just my own opinion, no need to get all butthurt.
I may add that I overall enjoyed the AMV very much.
Same thing I tought ^^
Don't get me wrong, ofc u can dislike it, it's your taste and u have all the reasons to say what u want. But your point is like asking me:" Why aren't you Qwaqa?" And the answer is pretty easy to find xD
with that logic you might as well ask him to draw his own anime sources next
(даже если он и есть)
то тут не чувствуется драйва :(
На пять не тянет...
sure, but I don't think this can be called the usual dance amv, I tried to be more specific and I looked for different sources from the usual. I'm not saying I did a great job or I was able to do a revolutionary dance amv, just that this one was supposed to be "not the common dance music" and,imho, I'm pretty happy with that aspect, but this is just my point of view ofc, I'm glad to hear opposite opinions since I'm here to learn