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thank you, my fav russian editor
because of the invasion of english-speaking editors
phew.....i was waiting for someone to come to my rescue
Moreover, I said nothing about your vid.
i regret posting this video here. where are people like tramplr, artofeel, downmep etc etc....today's russian editors are just......
kebanaj's motivation?
When you set a person off to watch something - you accept that there is no this "something" in your clip
Весьма успешно
Первый раз Энигмо троллю...
Didn't use it in the direct meaning, overall - idea, plan, structure etc
The problem is not in the IQ, but rather in the way people think. Associations are rather different depending on the background.
But you use this word
One's assumptions can't be true or false. They are merely the fact, based on whether one has seen the anime or not, what background one has obtained in life. The statistics works here. This shows not that all are stupid here, but you as an editor made false assumption of the target audience)
goddamn...."if the plot was misunderstood".....BRO, i didn't create any plot here. the plot of this video is the anime's plot, and the music's plot. if you don't understand the "plot" of this video, it just means you're too stupid to understand the plot of Mob Psycho 100, and the plot of this song....i guess these days you're just used to kids making crossover amvs as these "mini movies" with their own stories etc. you've forgot about amvs actually focusing on bringing out the anime's concept, with a good choice of music.
and yeah, if a person watching this video has an IQ of a chimpanzee, I am not responsible for them not understanding the video.
Forget) You suppose an AMV editor to be a philosopher or a poet, which one can't get properly due to lack of knowledge of the subject (all the sutten meanings etc).
If the AMV plot was misunderstood, it is probably the fault of an editor, for not putting the idea rather clear, not of the person watching it)))
lol....... see everyone? people just making false assumptions, and probably giving low ratings to AMVs, with false understanding. I suggest you go and watch Mob Psycho 100, and read a Russian translation of this song's lyrics, and maybe you'll come back to this video and change your rating to a 5 :)
what u talking about bro? "it's just...abotu nothing"? have you watched mob psycho 100?
But no – you're trying to multiply some shit, and then wondering why it smells. Look at leolide. Look at stalkill. They CAN do, and they DO. Because they try to content with little, minimalism is their way.
Unlike you with your hasty nonsense. Don't make a fool out of me. Do things.
Why is it boring? did you want me to do ZOOM BAM EFFECTS BOOM ZAM ZOOM SPLASH FLASH SHEEEEYYYYKKEE BOOM ZAP FLASH RAPAZAP? i thought the anime had enough of it so u know, i just synced it to the song
gracias, comrade