A story within a story. Our protagonist finds herself with a long face, without understanding why. All she knows is that to find the truth, one must search for it. Her ideal place, her utopia, is somewhere yet unexplored. Along the way she'll experience emotions such as excitement, eagerness, resignation, frustration... but nothing can stop her. Will she ever find that place? What if her real purpose is to understand what the world has to offer?
This idea was based off the music video of "She Moves" by Alle Farben, but I felt as if that small story had more potential than what the video had to offer. I started looking back at the movies and shows I've seen during my life and I made a picture in my head, something that suited the song harmoniously. I made the backgrounds from scratch to materialize something different, something unique. After months of hard work, this is the result.
This has been my most personal project to date due to what it represents: the protagonist represents my uneasy soul, always searching for new horizons, new challenges, and ironically doesn't feel comfortable in her comfort zone. The different backgrounds, colors and shapes play the part of the unlimited possibilities that creating has to offer. The person who closes the book at the end stands for the people who enjoy the result of their creation.
That's why this video is dedicated to all of those restless souls that don't know, but dedicate their time to find out, what their life will bring next. Special thanks to Cases for the drawings that you can see in the second half of the video, to DinAniC, ZOD and Beniamin for their constant support and to all of those who believed in me while I was working on my project.
Making of Oasis (~6MB)
Аниме: Nisekoi, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd, Ar No Surge, Dragon Crisis!, Original Animation
Музыка: Alle Farben - She Moves feat. Graham Candy

1:33 Локоть сильно дрыгается в закцикливании и не понравились парой бг, очень слабый ориджинал, но так как сильной упоротости не наблюдается, такое не пойдет. Вот со второй минуты получилось атмсоферно.
На пять просто)
Забрал себе. Спасибки^^
Клип убит самим автором.
Sure i did, for your bday
you texted me?
Feel the hate, next time you'll text me back ;-;
it has some flaws (ending too abrupt, the rhythm doesn't change enough when the first chorus comes which makes the whole thing a bit repetitive). But it also has a good atmosphere and I get a nice artsy vibe from it
one thing that I don't understand is why authors have this tendency of talking at length in the description about the deep and philosophical meaning that their videos are supposed to have. Maybe I'm just too superficial and that's why I don't get it, but to me it sounds a bit pretentious.
I don't question that you guys can make something really toughtful and impressive not just from a visual point of view (as some videos have done before). But I think it's better if you just let the video talk for itself
You can like what ever you want, but don't expect others to be impressed by an idea you never thought about.
Собственно, и выбор трека очень порадовал.
И да, соглашусь с Кебенаем, за эту легкость и чустсво мв не хочется критиковать минусы. Даже то, что синхронизация не четкая а такая непостоянно-игривая - совсем не напрягает...
По моим субъективным ощущениям не хватило какой-то красивой точки в концовке, и даже то, что она такая открытая - не спасает.
Второй минус - уже более объективный - слабый мейкинг, маски очень неаккуратные, особенно, имхо, был неудачным момент, где девочка дверь открывает. очень светлый силуэт на очень темном фоне. Имхо, если уж прибегаешь к таким приемам - нужно их вытягивать до хорошего уровня.
Спасибо за пару приятных минут- они пролетели незаметно, прониклась треком.
But.... .-. don't look only in a boy and a girl walking I'm sure that there is a story behind the amv, you are saying that artofeel's amv has the same plot as a Dragon ball's amv
Ohh I have never watched that amv is really nice :o but stills being the same thing, there is a girl running and just because of this, it's a plagiarism? Btw in the description of the vid, he says:
This idea was based of the music video of "She Moves" by Alle Farben