This AMV took me about one month finally and overall it helped me a lot to develop my own workflow for creating AMVs with 60fps. Although it is not my first AMV, it is the first contest for me.
I would have liked the video to be more creative and not as linear as it seems to me now, but altogether I am very pleased with it. The next time I am looking forward to add more complex transitions dynamics/dynamics and especially try to pair it with a more touching plot.
'Prejudices' was cut in Premiere Pro CS6 and edited in After Effects CS6; furthermore I have used the following Plugins:
- Twixtor Pro (RE:Vision)
- Twitch (Video Copilot)
- Optical Flares (Video Copilot)
- Saber (Video Copilot)
With respect to Twixtor I want to add some words; each scene of the AMV has its own Twixtor layer with different settings such as the input frame rate and frame interpolation, also I have used tracking points to guide Twixtor a bit better. Nevertheless especially the fighting sequences of Noragami are "not animated very well", so it is not rare that a scene only consists of three or four different frames in the foreground. Nonetheless I have added these scenes in the AMV, because it would have destroyed my initial intention of making an AMV with Noragami and all of its diametrically opposed scenes of fights and closeness of Hiyori and Yato. The title seems self-evident with belonging to these final words. So, I do not want to add further information about the plot.
In conclusion I hope you can at least appreciate it a little bit. :-)
PS I would like to thank Lea for her emotional support, translations and improvement suggestions.
Аниме: Noragami
Музыка: LiLA'c Records - Fujin over the wind
М/в пожалуй тоже оценю как "интересное" и даже приятное.
неудачное пользование Твикстора...
Ничего странного...
>This AMV took me about one month
>Although it is not my first AMV
>The next time I am looking forward to add more complex transitions dynamics/dynamics and especially try to pair it with a more touching plot.
Итого, потратить месяц на поеботу без динамики, зато наклеить на каждую сцену по слою твикстора и выкрутить его без какой либо последовательности и переходов от одного к другому, и даже не планировать сделать все это НОРМАЛЬНО, С СЮЖЕТОМ, ДИНАМИКОЙ, МОНТАЖОМ, НУ ВЫ ЗНАЕТЕ, КАК ЭТО ДЕЛАЮТ ЛЮДИ, А НЕ ИНДУСЫ-ПРОГРАММИСТЫ.
Нет слов. Это школьная работа в паверпоинте, а не клип на контест. Это самая ранняя бетка-высер, но не клип на контест. Мда. Я слышу треск, и это рвется не мой шаблон, а моя жопа.
ИИииии тааааа-тааа-таа-тара-ра-ра-ра-там-пара-па-паам, у нааас есть победииитееель!! Это rate, и его АМВ
Никто не сумел бы лучше. Ваш приз валерьянночка. Приз можете забрать в любой аптеке страны.
Благодарю за внимание.
- Twitch (Video Copilot)
- Optical Flares (Video Copilot)
- Saber (Video Copilot)
Это было лишним. Техника ради техники.
Клип подкупает лишь свежим исходником.
Would recommend reading the twixtor manual in order to fully grasp the concept of interpolation and how to fix it
Nonetheless great effort, hope to see more and better from you.
Пересмотрел раз 10 ник в титрах.
Вот там я нашёл здоровское сочетание видео со звуком.
Благодарю за внимание.