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Просто посмотри высоко оцененные клипы по 1 аниме и попытайся понять, что не так в твоей работе.
About your video:
It's a claymore recap with background music, nothing more. For me someone who hasn't seen claymore it's plain boring.
Theres not enough (barely any) action sync to make me interested in it as an action video.
The fx is plain and looks old, probably because the video is old itself. Most AMVs just don't age well.
Theres no visual concept or anything that sparks my interested at all, so why would I keep watching a 5 Minute recap for an Anime I know nothing about.
It's probably an okay watch for claymore fans but that's it.
I don't really care about scores, but I have to agree that the exam section is rating too harsh. Almost all videos that actually go to the frontpage increase in rating, but it isn't as much as you want it to be and it has nothing to do with popularity, everyone gets hated equally.
If a popular editor made this video they would have lost a big part of their popularity : )
Или тут своя история? Если да, то какая именно? Её найти и прочитать еще сложнее. Песня сильная, но это и во вред работе. Она перебарщивает с атмосферой борьбы. И если честно, видео смотрится еле-еле уже ко второй минуте.
I'm not exactly new just new to this site. I've always done fairy well on other sites youtube, and ive done alright even on amv.org. I've been around since early 2000-1'sh era editng. Hell I've even done well in some amv contests so I chose a lot of my best vids to put on here and they get treated like trash. I do put a lot of effort into my videos. I mainly do videos just for my self but it annoys the hell out of me when I go above and beyond for different style of editing on a video and it gets the same score that I would do on another video that is straight cut editing. That's my main gripe. Plus no one leaves constructive criticism which I am all for as long as its not harsh nitpicking. I just don't understand why people leave scores the way they do. This is the most harshest site that I've been too for amvs.
That's my main goal when working on amvs. I do it mainly for my self. Its just depressing to see something you worked on really hard to get treated like trash. I guess haters will just be haters.
If you don't like the film it doesn't metter how much effects it contains. It's not like a test, just personal perception. But indeed, popular editor's works has some privilegies, it's not good. So here is my advice, stop trying to please auditory, try to please yourself. That's all.