
Rubik's Method

12 место на Japan Expo 2015.

A man is trapped in a mysterious room, which can not leave until the theorem is solved; if he doesn't do it in time, something will happen in the room. I made this video for Japan Expo AMV Contest, not sure if the plot is clear but I learned a lot while making this.

Аниме: Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei (The Tatami Galaxy)
Музыка: Johannes Brahms - Hungarian Dance

Rubik's Method

Rubik's Method

Rubik's Method

Rubik's Method

Rubik's Method

Rubik's Method

Rubik's Method


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3.21 3.21 (113 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 05.07.2015)
Добавил: ViKAMV 14.07.2015 в 18:33
3.21 3.21 (113 голосов)
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Комментарии (9)
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Leegf   User profile
  27.07.2015 06:34
The plot is way too vague. For mere example, I barely noticed the letter on 0:49 though it's an important part of the story. There's a lot more of other uncertainties and jerky moments. Putting that aside, the work is cool.
EllipseIris   User profile
  16.07.2015 19:27
Love the idea, love the styling, but the story you wrote in the description was not really readable from the video, also the duration felt too long, because of the filler scenes. It's promising tho, can't wait for your next amv.
IrenSS   User profile  Video channel
  15.07.2015 10:17
I liked the visual style of the vid, and some solutions were really interesting. The overall impression is positive, but the pace was too slow for me. I love Brahms and his Hungarian dances very-very much, but this remix made the music too slowpoke-ish and maybe that's why I felt like the vid was advancing in an extremely slow manner. It lacks some good old dynamic :/

Anyways, good job.
Darksss 73   User profile
  15.07.2015 06:55
Нудно, особо не впечатлило 3, главк? хемммм странно, видимо Турбо одыхал .
Luggeriano   User profile
  15.07.2015 00:48
Magyar táncokra elvont animét vágni? Érdekes ötlet :)
MangaLub   User profile  Video channel
  15.07.2015 01:02
Идея хорошая, исполнение тоже, но все же музыка кажется не очень подходящей.
Mohgog   User profile
  14.07.2015 20:08
Идея в общих чертах понятна, но работа сделана как то так, что при просмотре смотрел и вообще не догонял что происходит, как ни странно, именно это мне и понравилось, м/в интересное, сделано необычно, 4.
KEEREN   User profile
  14.07.2015 20:08
забавно 4
Hoshirogi   User profile
  14.07.2015 20:01
Default Avatar
i simple loved it jose already told you my opinion in facebook i def wanted this to top 10 for sure ,its a great video keep it up bro

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