
The King is Born

My new video still with the same logiel course it is very easy to use. I'm sure that under takes less embarrassing. I await your comments

Аниме: Final fantasy 7: Advent children
Музыка: Sharm & BrunuhVille - Our Hero

The King is Born

The King is Born

The King is Born

The King is Born

The King is Born

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480 x 320
640 x 427
720 x 480
960 x 640
2.42 2.42 (19 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 19.06.2015)
Добавил: lady itachi 03.07.2015 в 08:15
2.42 2.42 (19 голосов)
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Страницу прочитали: 1117 раз
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Комментарии (5)
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LovecraftDaniel   User profile
  19.01.2018 16:34
Aspect Resolution... Who did such a cruel thing to you?
Очередное "творение" со сбитым аспектом. Очередной кол. Глаза что ли у автора приплющены, не понимаю... Мне, как фанату финалок, этот клип словно плевок в душу. Самое забавное, что если самому попробовать исправить бяку - то сожмутся эти вшитые субтитры. Такие дела(
lady itachi   User profile  Video channel
  03.07.2015 22:02
Mohgog написал(а):
Get yourself Sony Vegas and stop torturing yourself with WMM, everything will get easier right away.
And everything is perceived in comparison, can't give more than 2/5 for a work that objectively is bad, that would be unfair to other author's works, it's not like i hate your vid or anything.

If you wanna know what are good AMV's look at top rated works at this site, get an impression and learn from them. Keep on improving and thx for the nice song choice btw, goes into my collection.

I try sony vegas but I find it too complicated to use but I will try again to see . thank you anyway for your comments
Mohgog   User profile
  03.07.2015 12:50
lady itachi написал(а):

Get yourself Sony Vegas and stop torturing yourself with WMM, everything will get easier right away.
And everything is perceived in comparison, can't give more than 2/5 for a work that objectively is bad, that would be unfair to other author's works, it's not like i hate your vid or anything.

If you wanna know what are good AMV's look at top rated works at this site, get an impression and learn from them. Keep on improving and thx for the nice song choice btw, goes into my collection.
lady itachi   User profile  Video channel
  03.07.2015 12:30
Mohgog написал(а):
You know, people have ears to listen to music and hear the lyrics, you don't need to put them in the work at all, it pretty much ruined the whole work and impression of it.
Also synching video to lyrics is good, but try to pick scenes similar to each other by meaning and visuals, keep the flow of the video intact, so everything is smooth, clean and logical.
And sorry to break it to you, but it's 2015 outside, almost everything can be found in HD/BD quality, FF7 footage is no exception, next time use high quality clips... Good luck in future works

thank you to be honest with me but sacher these, I own the movie window marker software , I do not use mp4 , mkv , I am forced to convert avi movie to be able to use it and convert my video to mkv to put it on this site so yes I lose quality . if not in terms of words matter , I 'm not English but French and I understand that some words then your 2/5 hurt me in my heart kind video sucks prennait the same software and we do talk.
Mohgog   User profile
  03.07.2015 12:17
You know, people have ears to listen to music and hear the lyrics, you don't need to put them in the work at all, it pretty much ruined the whole work and impression of it.
Also synching video to lyrics is good, but try to pick scenes similar to each other by meaning and visuals, keep the flow of the video intact, so everything is smooth, clean and logical.
And sorry to break it to you, but it's 2015 outside, almost everything can be found in HD/BD quality, FF7 footage is no exception, next time use high quality clips... Good luck in future works

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