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Сильно оно тебя порадовало?.. )))
Касуга и Накамура, ну они, конечно маньяки, ну прям не такие чтоб маньяки-маньяки .
Хотя задумку оценила, отлично получилось .
there's a fine ass line between what's artistic and what's interesting in a video, you crossed the artistic line. but as long as you don't give a shit and you stay true to what you really want to create, it's all good. gj!
Короче, чтобы выправить границы, сорц нужно сперва очень сильно стабилизировать и отденойзить. Я бы советовал DePan и MCTemporalDenoise в синте. Есть ещё deartefactor в плагинах Key Correct для АЕ и Нюка, он тоже помогает. Это избавит кромки от артефактов и прочего расколбаса. Ну в АЕ можно Refine Matte потеребить ещё, если совсем всё плохо. Потом, когда маска по difference уже получена, можно вернуть движущимся объектам часть деталей обратно, чтоб совсем уж не мылить. Правда, кромки останутся чуть мыльные — читорный метод требует жертв.
Суть описывается в старенькой «Digital Compositing for Film and Video» Стива Райта, хотя тоже сперва «изобрёл» его и очень он спас меня от нудного ротоскопа. Лень и хитрожопость — двигатель прогресса.
Это такая авторская задумка, как и у lolligerjoj, но в данном случае, думаю, ещё и с глубоким посылом.
P.S. Послушал амбиент перед сном и пошёл баиньки, всем добра.
Why not?
They have the potential to make me do so, anime? surely. Amvs? They can do it as much as some shorts can.
Then it's not like I'm saying every video should be philosophical, I wouldn't even want that. But there are anime/videos that try to give a deep/abstract message and I don't mind them. If it was for me more people should try to be philosophical
That part about keeping in mind the difference about fun as a genre and a video being enternaining/interesting was actually good to read. it's a pity, well at least you reminded me to expect the worst from trying to discuss stuff on comments sections of the internet. Bye
amv c'est nul, ennuyeux
What of it? FIFA15 gameplay comedy outakes is somewhat related to watching the champions league...but at the same time they are completely different. Go figure genius.
You look for philosophy in music and cartoons? good for you. You probably look for the meaning of life in amvs and anime as well it seems.
Quite clearly the authors intention isn't to make something downright fun. It's to make something psychedelic and foreboding. Thank you captian obvious. Don't confuse fun as a genre, with been entertained next time. You can sit there and watching something which isn't fun, but interesting...and it's entertaining in it's own way. All you're doing it going to the very extreme with everything you say, Stevie Wonder can see this isn't meant to be a /fun/ type of video. Just screams NO SHIT.
Maybe you should, you're defiantly stupid enough. Sweet dreams honey
Because those two aren't related at all, right? XD
If I have psicology, philosophy and serious themes in Anime and Music why shouldn't we have something like that in an AMV as well.. that comes from both?
Nothing wrong with stating your opinion if you didn't like the video. You want something entertaining, I thought it was clear that it wasn't in the author intentions to do something downright "fun"
But hey what do I know, perhaps next time I should go below a comedy video and ask for a more serious mood.
"Well, that's what AMVs are...a form of entertainment. If they are not a form of entertainment what are they? maybe some people watch Japanese animation and music to try be philosophical?"
Let Dark_Death senpai help you. Clearly when he says Japanese animation and music, he is breaking down what an AMV is. Replace it with "maybe some people watch amvs to try be philosophical?" if thats simple enough.
and clearly, it was sarcasm as nobody watches amvs to be philosophical. Why something this simple even needs explaining is beyond me? maybe you're Russian with bad English understanding.
now that this is cleared up nice and simple so even a tard can understand, how about we all shut the fuck up?
Yours truely, Dark_Death.
Not to mention you are trying to turn my sarcasm into a serious discussion. Which is almost making me cry.
but ok...
Да, ещё... возможно к PS автора, стоит добавлять ещё PPS: Перед прочтением комментариев, желательно остановиться. Хотя, возможно, это стоит добавлять ко всем клипам. Разумеется имха)
Ever heard of Evangelion?
Я их чувствую. И даже на возможные косяки становится так поооофиг.