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Даже не знаю, противоричивые чувства)) как будто я слышал не эту песню судя по исходнику) хотелось бы что-то пограндиознее) жаль)
Relax and take it easier (the comments, i mean). Everything is normal with your work, but too normal, to rate it high)
As as clear from you changes, introduced in the comment, you didn't quite catch the idea. If smth is not allowed, than the administration won't even publish your video. Putting watermarks is supposed to be a sign of a bad taste for most of the public here
ia nicevo s atim video ne imeiu lel ato ti patanu katorii video dobavil skaji
Так копирайт же, чтобы гениальное видео не стырили)
LoseYourselfAMV ,
Should put a list of parts, authors and timing in titles and/or describtion. That will be enough)
By editing mainly "seriously-looking" sources and scenes from them, its no good (in my view) to make parts with wedding from Mirai (they didn't suit here, guess why).
Just need to change a bit your attitude to mask animating, cause if you think that 0-53 is quite pretty, you're wrong. Such transition will pretty go for fun or comedy)
Thanks and luck.
Ну ладно просто текст был-бы под тему трека,но нет бля ,этого мало ,надо было ещё и ники под каждым партом в углу нахерачить .
4 - против .
I meant mainstream anime and this editing style is not a thing on news plus having the editor name on the corner for each part was unecessary imo when at the beggining you have an intro