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Just watch the video! Not much to explain here.

Yeah it's another Titan video, how original right? The goal with this was to show the battle of Trost, putting an epic vibe into it. Easy as that. It might be a bit spoilerous for someone who didn't watch the series yet, but not as spoilerous as some other videos I saw from the same source xD

Аниме: Attack on Titan, Girls und Panzer
Музыка: E.S. Posthumus - Unstoppable







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Автор: (клип создан: 09.05.2014)
Добавил: MatthewRoy 25.05.2014 в 19:37
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Комментарии (48)
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LegaRoSS   User profile
  27.06.2014 11:58
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Какая же это титаномахия...
Вот это, титаномахия.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  17.06.2014 10:03
Nice thrill
ItacHidan   User profile
  13.06.2014 19:31
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As one very wise person said

IrenSS написал(а):
Hey~ Good job! I liked the music you chose for this work and your sync and storyline were rather good and made the vid interesting to watch. But sometimes you changed the scenes too rapidly and thus in the end I felt a bit tired, like if my brain was overstuffed with something.

Personally, for me there is absolutely no problem with your using this source. I am a big fan of AoT, I even translate it, and since I am now on the episodes of battle of Trost, it really gave me something like a heroic feeling.
I give you a 4 and wish you good luck ;)
Kvant   User profile
  13.06.2014 02:04
Псевдоэпичность. Субъективно, - очень скучно.
immikun   User profile
  13.06.2014 00:23
Начало было хорошим, а дальше банальное титанское рубилово. 3
redbull   User profile
  03.06.2014 18:50
не столь убого, как большинство клипов по титанам, но и абсолютно ничего выдающегося.
tino4ka   User profile  Video channel
  28.05.2014 14:52
Не понимаю сочетание м/в совершенно. На вкус и цвет, видать... Не зацепило. Б/о, ибо объективности здесь и не может быть, ставить "плохо" исходя из моего внутреннего негодования и диссонанса от работы, ввиду кона, нечестно. Что ясно - есть работы намного сильнее, по сему до конкурентоспособной работы не дотягивает.
Lenylik   User profile
  28.05.2014 12:32
There are so many titans's amv of the same type right now but this one is definitely good - 5.
MatthewRoy   User profile  Video channel
  27.05.2014 20:51
Lady_MooN написал(а):

maybe you're right, but you could use some effects at the fast beats.

Ok, I see what you mean. Thanks for the tip
honestly I don't see how prodigy or electronic music fit with the source

Imho for the best video with this source there is just Louder than words, didn't see any video nearly as good as that one
S.A. Robert   User profile
  27.05.2014 19:22
LIA написал(а):
Чот для меня все клипы на титанов одинаковые какие-то:с Грустно, исходник то крут:с

Daru написал(а):
Хватит титанов, ну пожалуйста!

Gamarjoba написал(а):

Снова титаны...

Присоединяюсь к негодованию, исходник уже нубомейкеры затаскали, как школу мертвецов, сил нет смотреть на это безобразие...
Homulol   User profile
  27.05.2014 18:21
Для меня, пожалуй, самым лучшим клипом на этот исходник навсегда останется: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yevQILtAXTw

Может и не лютый вин, но синхра во многих местах очень вкусная и музыка пооригинальней будет
Lady_MooN   User profile  Video channel
  27.05.2014 16:48
MatthewRoy написал(а):

when I tried to fully follow all the beats of the song I got the feeling that it was going too fast and people would have had problems catching up with what was happening. Which is quite important because there is a story

maybe you're right, but you could use some effects at the fast beats.
Dairan   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 23:16
Lion0608   User profile
  26.05.2014 21:37
Хорошая работа на Титанов.
Хотя, если вдуматься, сбивающие пафос титаны слишком "толсты". Из всех их достоинств над прочими приключенческими сериалами - умопомрачительная камера, имхо.

About the sync. It seems to mee, that attention to particular intensive sounds in the track breaks the idea of the total musical sync rythm, as common to begginers sometimes.
Wish you luck.
And suppose you'll overcome your technical issues.
All in all, the symph music is too difficult not to make the visualization too "fat", rock's the best man ever knew to make interesting and emotional story))
MatthewRoy   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 20:03
TritioAFB, you are just super awesome XD
Thank you for the review, it's really helpful :)
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 19:56
You seem to have the attitude since you're asking nicely about what was wrong and what could be improved. All right then, have one review:

At 0:04, I liked what you tried to do, but for some reasons it felt like you rushed this scene compared with the previous one. The hard cut before wasnt effective. Probably a crossfade could have helped there.

At 0:08, I can notice the mask disappearing first, then the BG is still there and next you use a NewBlue transition. Rather than that, a black fade keeping the two elements together could have helped there.

In 0:11-0;12 didnt do a good synch, although seems legit the scene. For example, you can hear the main beat and the scene with the titan appearing behind Eren comes first, missing that beat.

Next at 0:14 you can listen clearly the change in the song, then you still have the scene going. If I were you I would have done the change of scenes at that moment and not until 0:15

You can listen at 0:23 the change again, but this time you didnt miss the beat

The scene at 0:37 seemed slow, but nothing much to say. At least it made sense considering the previous scene.

Now at 0:41 instead of the NewBlue fx you could have tried the following thing: take the scene with Titanomachy and make that scene move, like giving the impression the previous scene is moving forward that scene, and not that the title scene is the one moving to the previous one being static this last one.

When the clip starts at 0:44 you have a situation: There are several beats which is just impossible to hit one per one with only one scene. Then what you can do is to take several scenes and try to hit some of them like you did here

Something important happens at 0:55 - due the scene combo you chose, I can feel the mood of the clip, which is key for every single viewer: The atmosphere itself. It gives this feeling of 'trailerish'

In 1:01 you start to have this change of two beats every 3 seconds. You didnt hit any so it gives this feeling of 'No synch in that section'

at 1:12 there you go, you hit one combo of beats with Levi

Too weird nobody mentioned the minute 1:17, I liked that change considering the original scene

Now at 1:23 you have again that problem: many beats, not much synch. I will mention that in this section you even gave this feeling of Horror video, too bad it didnt have enough intensity so that mood was missed

Liked the section at 1:31 when you start showing that scene combo with Eren and their mates being eaten by the titans

1:46, good

1:48 I would have replaced that section, the 1:46 had impact you could have continued with that impact, but then the next scenes are slow compared to the music, they have synch though

1:55 kind of rush but okay, the impact is there

Since the music stops at 2:01, leaving this scene without audio would have been boring.

2:11 - the changes between scenes are too slow

2:15 - the synch returns, and part of the impact

2:31 - that hard cut didnt help much. Since the two scenes are so different you could have tried a transition there

2:47 - excellent combination there

As a resume of the serie, wasnt bad. Just not something new due the amount of videos out there. You have potential so try to edit more
MatthewRoy   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 19:43
Lady_MooN написал(а):
oh I know this song hah. Well..it's quite good but after 1:35 there is no a synchronization. Music has a very good and fast beats but video is too slow

I'm also more happy with syncing in the first part of the video than the second one. From 1:30 onwards there are at least 2-3 moments where I could have done it better, but what's done it's done I guess

As for the being too slow part, I see what you mean but at some point when I tried to fully follow all the beats of the song I got the feeling that it was going too fast and people would have had problems catching up with what was happening. Which is quite important because there is a story, nothing complicated but still, and some chained events to follow
InShaDoWReVerSe   User profile
  26.05.2014 19:39
MatthewRoy   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 19:30
IrenSS написал(а):
Hey~ Good job! I liked the music you chose for this work and your sync and storyline were rather good and made the vid interesting to watch. But sometimes you changed the scenes too rapidly and thus in the end I felt a bit tired, like if my brain was overstuffed with something. Aslo, to be honest, I didn't like the silence somewhere in the beginning of the vid, because it was a bit distracting and caused to lose the sense of the atmosphere. Of course, the vid is not splendid or super original, but it's not awful either. Next time you use such anime try to put something individual into your work, so that it could stay in people'a memories ;)

Anyways, well done and good luck to you ^^

Thanks for the feedback :)
Sagrado   User profile
  26.05.2014 19:04
Fox114 написал(а):
а как же Naruto? Evangelion ? Fate/Zero? че сразу к титаном все то? ;D ну подумаешь пару десятков клипов, я про наруту молчу вообще

Ну да.. Тут много раз затрагивали тему тошнотворного мейнстрима и по факту то список можно сделать более чем не маленький
Одна из проблем - это нью эра, которая по сути тянется к AMV, но едет она чаще всего по шоссе из пары десятков исходников, которые поимел в разных позах каждый второй мейкер. В итоге это выливается в картину "зацените мой первый шэдэвр" и поляну срачника на +100500 страниц, ибо лоу скил видит грандиозную работу на овер много времени "5-10 часов" А Пипл 80lvl объясняет ему как ей подтереться правильно, кильнуть ее, пойти хотя бы несколько месяцев прокачать свои "скиловые" руки, посмотреть на годовые проекты дяденек , пополнить список просмотренного и только потом выставлять, что то более менее пропитанное потом и многочисленными матами .

Вкратце как то так.
Avelinka   User profile
  26.05.2014 14:58
Good soundtrack and the video itself is nice, though I don't like action very much. Being always strict - only 4.
Lady_MooN   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 14:50
oh I know this song hah. Well..it's quite good but after 1:35 there is no a synchronization. Music has a very good and fast beats but video is too slow
KEEREN   User profile
  26.05.2014 13:28
так себе 3
Эль-тян   User profile
  26.05.2014 12:58
MatthewRoy написал(а):
Any chance that you could write this in english?
I'd actually enjoy other people opinions even if it's negative ones.. but it's useless if I can't understand you

Нет, переводи сам, когда мне на форуме amvorg пишут комментарии на английском, я их сам расшифровываю.
MilaMoon   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 12:20
ну не знаю,не знаю,все так раскритиковали этот клип,а как по мне,он среди других выделяется по ТИТАНАМ ,динамика есть,синхра есть,даже кадры взяты не все,как у остальных к примеру это + для этого клипа по Титанам...минус,как уже писали ниже только в том,что взят исходник титанов и все,потому что он всех достал....
GEnetix   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 11:34
EnIgMoZz2 написал(а):

You see Enigmo is the best! even titans can't beat him and his eternal sync!
Darksss 73   User profile
  26.05.2014 09:21
Ну тут уже бесполезно что то печатать. Предлагаю вообще забить на последующие клипы по титанам. (не комментировать ,не ставить оценки ,).
НЕ -ЧЁ-ГО всё ровно, нового не увидим.
IrenSS   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 09:15
Hey~ Good job! I liked the music you chose for this work and your sync and storyline were rather good and made the vid interesting to watch. But sometimes you changed the scenes too rapidly and thus in the end I felt a bit tired, like if my brain was overstuffed with something. Aslo, to be honest, I didn't like the silence somewhere in the beginning of the vid, because it was a bit distracting and caused to lose the sense of the atmosphere. Of course, the vid is not splendid or super original, but it's not awful either. Next time you use such anime try to put something individual into your work, so that it could stay in people'a memories ;)

Anyways, well done and good luck to you ^^
Ree   User profile
  26.05.2014 08:21
Fox114 написал(а):

а как же Naruto? Evangelion ? Fate/Zero? че сразу к титаном все то? ;D ну подумаешь пару десятков клипов, я про наруту молчу вообще.

dont tuch narutards
Fox114   User profile  Video channel
  26.05.2014 06:26
Sagrado написал(а):
Предлагаю сделать рубрику "ФакенФак"
под лозунгом "меня зае**** Shingeki no Kyojin"

а как же Naruto? Evangelion ? Fate/Zero? че сразу к титаном все то? ;D ну подумаешь пару десятков клипов, я про наруту молчу вообще.

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