
In Extremis

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AlchemistEskimo (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): Level Up was an experience that ruined my sleeping pattern and pushed my editing to a point that I'm very satisfied with! I honestly couldn't have asked for a better pro and this video wouldn't have been possible without her input. Centurione helped me develop concepts and helped me refine my video with her super detailed beta tests. The amount of bases she covered was overwhelming in the best way possible, bringing things to light that had never even crossed my mind. I can't thank her enough for taking the time to help me progress as an editor. This is my first proper attempt at a crossover and through the video I wanted to convey the idea of all actions having a consequence as well as drawing upon my love for science fiction stories (more specifically time travel).

The general story is that Kiritsugu finds himself working for a mysterious organization who are based in an alternate future. They deliver him information on targets that he is required to kill via an old computer that links both periods of time. Every single person he needs to eliminate will in the future do things that effect this organization thus meaning when they are killed in kiritsugu's time the things that person was going to do never transpire. From here kiritsugu gradually becomes mentally unhinged sending his mind into a very dark and dangerous place.

Centurione (Pro): I really enjoyed working with AlchemistEskimo and I think he did a very good job on the video. I have to admit I found him to be a pretty good editor from the start and I wished not to interfere too much into his style while helping him with the video. But in the end, I'm glad of the whole effort he's put into it.

Now, a fun fact about my novices: both of them decided to use Fate/Zero with Kiritsugu being forced to kill by someone and I didn't do anything to push them to go this way with their videos. It was a pure coincidence which I actually found quite funny :D. Anyway, go and enjoy the video, guys!

Аниме: Fate/Zero, Kara no Kyoukai, Berserk Movie 3, Death Billards, Durarara!, Eden of the East, Fullmetal Aclehmist Brotherhood, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Rebuild of Evangelion, Hellsing Ultimate, Black Lagoon, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate, Another, Kill Bill, Tekkon Kinkreet, Canaan, Aoi Bungaku, Death Note
Музыка: Cellestial Fires - Night Verses, Singularity - Northlane

In Extremis

In Extremis

In Extremis

In Extremis

In Extremis

In Extremis


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Автор: (клип создан: 17.02.2014)
Добавил: Centurione 25.02.2014 в 09:25
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Lajt   User profile
  04.07.2014 22:12
неплохой клип,4)
Lion0608   User profile
  14.06.2014 21:29
Из-за приевшейся музыки клип не показался оригинальным, не для пересмотра, но профиль хороший, заслужил 3 место)
farba   User profile
  01.05.2014 03:00
Default Avatar
очень хорошее начало, превращающееся в треш в средине ролика, выберите аудиторию и работайте под одну

неплохой ролик
leon.by   User profile  Video channel
  08.03.2014 20:24
Классный клип ребята! Заслуженное 3-е место! Почему такая низкая оценка?! будем исправлять 5!
AlchemistEskimo   User profile
  02.03.2014 11:42
Dm1try[A] написал(а):
круто, но чет как-то неожиданно апокалипсис случился ( город взорвался ). Или я вообще за сюжетом не следил. В любом случае, техника хорошая, мв хорошее. 5

Because the protagonist quit his target was spared and was able to go ahead with his plan to destroy the city! Thank you for the comment :)

Thank you everyone who took the time to comment! I screwed up the spelling on a few words in the credits so here's a corrected version with slightly better quality. http://www.sendspace.com/file/4s3h95
GINBR:)   User profile  Video channel
  28.02.2014 13:35
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  28.02.2014 10:19
I liked it, just a few things I didn't like
gabberMD   User profile  Video channel
  27.02.2014 15:42
this was pretty nice =) (just the quality of your footages could be better I guess)
Good luck!
995Gabber   User profile  Video channel
  27.02.2014 14:42
Good luck dave!
Astra   User profile
  27.02.2014 09:33
СДелано круто , мне бы так делать но синхры, хотя мб я просто не понимаю о чём песня но пересматривать желания нету
Azexous   User profile  Video channel
  26.02.2014 00:26
This is really great. Lovely job you did there.
TikiMik   User profile
  25.02.2014 23:02
скажем НЕТ динамике, и ДА битам.
FeedMeMoreZone   User profile  Video channel
  25.02.2014 22:47
Great Job !
Hikado95   User profile  Video channel
  25.02.2014 22:26
I left with this Resist, Revolt, Rebuild

but is nice your video :3 4
Daru   User profile
  25.02.2014 21:12
Просто отлично. Для меня пока виннер
RiceAMV   User profile
  25.02.2014 17:47
cecco   User profile  Video channel
  25.02.2014 17:39
kenshiroamv   User profile
  25.02.2014 16:45
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ayeeee its up!
ActiveNoise   User profile  Video channel
  25.02.2014 16:04
я только не поняла одного: почему на постере треугольник, если тематика не треугольниковая?)
а клип неплох. начало хорошее, но затянутое. история понятна впринципе... насчет трека согласна с Робертом
Crookz   User profile  Video channel
  25.02.2014 15:33
5 this guy is cool ;)
eXz   User profile
  25.02.2014 15:29
Как же з**бало этот исходник.
S.A. Robert   User profile
  25.02.2014 13:21
Понравилось только спокойное начало, атмосфера там отлично выдержана. А потом пошел вокал и для меня клип закончился. Ну ещё и титры симпатичные, стилистика понравилась. В целом хорошо вышло.
VovanKoperativ   User profile  Video channel
  25.02.2014 11:39
Ну вот тут виден хороший ап, годно сработались
RealShinteki   User profile  Video channel
  25.02.2014 10:48
yay its out, epic dave
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  25.02.2014 10:16
круто, но чет как-то неожиданно апокалипсис случился ( город взорвался ). Или я вообще за сюжетом не следил. В любом случае, техника хорошая, мв хорошее. 5
Eake4   User profile
  25.02.2014 09:58
Finally out!
MIBIHA   User profile
  25.02.2014 09:39
ооо, камере графиков не хватало повыкручивать, а так мне понарвилось мв)
Animetube7   User profile  Video channel
  25.02.2014 09:38
it's out! Hellz yeah Dave!
krvc   User profile  Video channel
  25.02.2014 09:34
Тройка. Просто тройка.

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