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all you do in Sony Vegas you can do in AE and do it better.
use two programs unprofitable, this is verified by personal experience.
you learn the basics of working with AE and it will become more familiar then Sony Vegas
However, I still want to use Sony Vegas for raw edits as it's more familiar and helps the process more for me. I may look into Adobe Premiere more for my raw cuts, but for now it'll have to do. Already working on a Mini-AMV with it's effects made in AE.
As for Roman_cat_Marcus, I think I'll take that advice and try to craft more of it in AE and see how they turn out. I've been experimenting heavily with my style and merging between action, comedy, sentimental and so forth to find my niche.
I think the strongest trait I have is in the upbeat/comedy type vids; like that Female Titan Zone I posted up.
I recommend not to use Sony Vegas. Do it in After Effects.