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Just me and you, Diary!

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I hope you all like my idea. I had this song in my mind for some time now and I wished to make an AMV using it. The theme is obvious once you watch the video. Enjoy!

Note: Please post your comments in English! Thank you!

Аниме: Clannad After Story, EF - A tale of melodies, Darker than Black, 5 cm/second, Chrono Crusade
Музыка: X-Mas by Sixx AM

Just me and you, Diary!

Just me and you, Diary!

Just me and you, Diary!

Just me and you, Diary!

Just me and you, Diary!

Just me and you, Diary!

Just me and you, Diary!

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480 x 270
640 x 360
720 x 405
960 x 540
3.38 3.38 (78 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 04.04.2012)
Добавил: waisehell 08.04.2012 в 23:16
3.38 3.38 (78 голосов)
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Комментарии (21)
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Med   User profile
  19.08.2017 20:25
надеюсь ты оценил смысл делать глубину уважения родных языков пабликов
Minstrel   User profile
  29.12.2013 22:22
APerveyev написал(а):
Ядреный психодел. Недооценен.

Оценен по достоинству. Но не эта версия.
Just me and you, Diary [Remake]
APerveyev   User profile
  29.12.2013 19:13
Перевод открывает глаза. Ядреный психодел. Недооценен.
rafus121   User profile
  30.04.2012 14:32
i think not enough equipment
idea nice 4
immikun   User profile
  14.04.2012 14:33
dayton написал(а):
Pretty bad performance for a pretty good plot.

Gamarjoba   User profile
  13.04.2012 11:51
По моему сильно!
dayton   User profile
  11.04.2012 07:50
Pretty bad performance for a pretty good plot.
MrakDren   User profile  Video channel
  09.04.2012 17:34
warviktor, учи английский или на худой конец гуглом переводи, еси интерестно
warviktor   User profile
  09.04.2012 17:08
на 5ку не меньше, ещё бы знать что пишут/говорят
ugin1729   User profile
  09.04.2012 13:40
powerlit написал(а):
люди чё вы пишете

Это называется Английский язык.
OxyGen1   User profile
  09.04.2012 13:18
powerlit написал(а):
люди чё вы пишете

Комментарии, оукей?
MrStarrk   User profile
  09.04.2012 12:38
Google Translate...

The idea is good, enforcement is poor.


powerlit   User profile
  09.04.2012 11:20
люди чё вы пишете
Otohiko   User profile
  09.04.2012 10:32
This is a very interesting concept, you definitely chose something pretty unusual. That's already a pretty cool thing in itself. But I think the focus of this as well as the editing could've been a lot stronger - for one thing, I really wish there was a central character here. I wish the scene choices were organized around more than just fitting with the words and overall theme - it seemed to just jump from one anime to another, sometimes mixing very different visual styles in the process. I think the way you treated your footage helped keep it more cohesive, but sometimes you also overdid it a little bit - some scenes came out too dark, while some of the effects (zooms, shakes, blurs) were more distracting than helpful.

Still, the overall theme is an interesting one. I mostly liked the text, though I wish you used pieces of paper throughout the video (Rather than changing the text style several times).
waisehell   User profile
  09.04.2012 10:28
i suppose i'll try to fix it somehow when i find the time..ty for ur advice..
MrakDren   User profile  Video channel
  09.04.2012 10:17
In the beginning all was very nice, but when rapid music began you broke a dynamics and all impression went away under a cat's tail. do you not think so? I am disappointed and wish to see the Fixed version. But in general this is Хорошо.
OxyGen1   User profile
  09.04.2012 07:33
To fuck, I love the slow frames. There slow, here slow, slow everywhere but then everything becomes jerky and idea nice 3+
P.S. I don't speak english, but I was trying to write correctly :)
Lion0608   User profile
  09.04.2012 01:50
Nice that the video is social oriented)) Just reminded the intro theme from Traspotting (film popular in 1990-s -"Choose life"),

Agree with the previos comments...

Интересно глянуть было)
waisehell   User profile
  09.04.2012 01:23
i think i understood the essence of ur comments..with google translate though... please comment in english if u can..thank you!
Bjakua   User profile
  09.04.2012 01:15
Интересно сделано конечно, но технически коряво, камера слишком дёрганная, использовать несколько шрифтов не айс, тут это не оправдано. Местами анимация текста корявая, клочки стоило более детализировано сделать. Ну и синхронизации не хватает, монтаж слабенький. Но атмосферно и оригинально отчасти.

З.ы. постер жуть.
KitsuMiko   User profile
  09.04.2012 00:50
клёво сделано но пугает...
явно нацелено на то чтоб народ бросал пить и наркотики употреблять...
а начале 00:16 сбит аспект вроде (или как там это называлось)

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