JazzsVids (Novice): So I made this AMV for Level Up 2012. Being able to work with Overture was a really amazing experience. He's so creative with his ideas and I was honored to be his novice. Originally we were going to work on an AMV with a bit more complex concept, but due to time restrictions we had to settle for something a bit smaller. I'm still very satisfied with the way this AMV came out. After working with Overture I feel a lot more confident in my ability to work in AE. I have also learned to pay more attention to details and think more creatively. I feel that overall I have made some major improvements in my editing.
Overture (Pro): I mainly wanted to focus on teaching Jazz creativity, detail, and thinking outside of the box with her concepts since that is what i feel most editors are lacking now days. We were extremely excited for our original concept, but it was much bigger than the amount of time we had. Im still very proud of what she made in the end and she made it easy for me since she was a fast learner. It was fun having a slave... um, i mean NOVICE for these couple of months and i hope she continues to take what i taught her and level up higher than she ever thought possible :D
Аниме: Macross Frontier
Музыка: She - Coloris
Награды: 3 место в общем зачете и лучший клип в жанре Dance на Level Up 2012
а где танец?...
59 зацени
I liked how it's in tune with hypnotize neon glowing
Оригинал музыки сам по себе не длинный, и даже было бы весьма интересно посмотреть обыгрыш концовки, но..
From the technical side looks not bad)
Recruitment frame looks strange, most of the moments changed the dynamics of what is happening.
And video was short. 4
Awesomes stuff Jazzy and Dany - I like all the pink!
Коротковато конечно.,но понравилось
Посмотрел предыдущую работу автора ... ему можно было в принципе в про идти, а не в нубы
вердикт: сделалось очень обидно, что не вытянули целиком всю песню, а оборвали так рано((( 2:34 минуты длится оригинал - и так и хочется, чтоб автор доделал работу))) т.к. так хорошо начиналось))) порадовал и трек на титрах, который тоже впечатлил и той же группы оказался...
вот это было первым, что пришло на ум.
на мой взгляд, по большей части из-за использованных эффектов этот клип стоит на голову выше, чем остальные работы.
он мне не то, чтобы понравился, но на фоне других он для меня лучший на конкурсе. пока. ждем конца дня.