
Falling in Love

Hi everyone, here we go with a nostalgic video, made with anime from 80s and 90s.
I love The Weeknd, so just right after I listened to his new album I started to edit this song.
I hope you will enjoy, thanks for your time.

"Back in the '80s, neon lights danced through the night, overwhelmed by city lights; bursting with colors, intricate settings,
sharp lines and unforgettable charm"

Аниме: Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Adolescence of Utena, City Hunter, Dirty Pair, Dirty Pair Flash, Saint Tail, Orange Road, The Vision of Escaflowne, Once Upon a Time [Windaria], Queen Millennia, Cowboy Bebop, Kenshin, Shamanic Princess, Glass no Kamen, The Legend of Himiko, Macross Do You Remember Love, Captain Harlock, You're Under Arrest, Gundam Z, Mobile Suit Gundam - 08th MS Team, Maison Ikkoku, Aishite Knight, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Aa! Megami-sama!, Ace o nerae!, Gunbuster, Bubblegum Crisis, Megazone 23, Wedding Peach, Crusher Joe, Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise, Lupin, Ranma 1/2, The Whispers of My Heart, Tatakae!! Iczer, Marmalade Boy, DNA^2, Ashita no Joe, Choujikuu Seiki Orguss, Project A-ko Final, Fushigi Yugi, Alita, Angel Cop
Музыка: The Weeknd - Open Hearts ; Darkest - Future Dark Cities

Falling in Love

Falling in Love

Falling in Love

Falling in Love

Falling in Love

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0.00 0.00 (25 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 13.02.2025)
Студия: BlackDiamondTeam
Добавил: TakeshiAMV 01.03.2025 в 17:02
0.00 0.00 (25 голосов)
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Страницу прочитали: 582 раза
Просмотров он-лайн: 108 раз
Клип скачали: 46 раз
Скачали Torrent: 21 раз

Комментарии (14)
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slavarussko   User profile
  11.03.2025 00:46
Использовать такой трек... читово
Он в тему да, безусловно, вайбы ностальгии затронуты в нужных местах.
KeksPistols   User profile
  10.03.2025 13:46
Понравилось как выдержан стиль, приятный монтаж.
Bean780   User profile
  10.03.2025 07:03
Default Avatar
I enjoy this, I will say one watching they were a few sloppy bits but it has a lot of promise. I enjoyed the concept just remember that these style videos are very heavily rated on transitions. I wish you the best on your future endeavours.

okhostok написал(а):
Well, the track is good, but the structure in this video is weak. The video 80% consists of various facial expressions of characters. It would not have been problem if it had some structure like sad faces in beginning, some action in the middle and happy faces in the end, but everything here is pretty mixed.
Nevertheless, good 80's vibe/aesthetics, interesting track. Good luck.

I do you think the facial expressions were done well in this.
Kivlov   User profile  Video channel
  07.03.2025 11:33
Old school style track and old school anime! Great tandem!
Fukushi   User profile  Video channel
  05.03.2025 14:58
Great work love the atmosphere.
Kiyoshi   User profile  Video channel
  05.03.2025 11:31
Отличная работа! Молодец Такеши)
Эль-тян   User profile
  04.03.2025 00:21
Качественное, стильное, атмосферное ретро с хорошим м/в.
Спасибо автору за старания, качество исходного материала и созданную атмосферу, твёрдая пятёрка)
Постер неудачный))))
Sintara   User profile  Video channel
  03.03.2025 02:25
Очень приятная работа.
okhostok   User profile  Video channel
  02.03.2025 15:52
Well, the track is good, but the structure in this video is weak. The video 80% consists of various facial expressions of characters. It would not have been problem if it had some structure like sad faces in beginning, some action in the middle and happy faces in the end, but everything here is pretty mixed.
Nevertheless, good 80's vibe/aesthetics, interesting track. Good luck.
IceMoon   User profile
  02.03.2025 10:11
Looks very good and harmonious, wonderful choice of song, thank you 5
NIGHT   User profile  Video channel
  02.03.2025 09:55
Разлёт лепестков с 01:16 было бы лучше передвинуть на 01:17, под звук + 03:21-03:24 из-за замедления виден эффект дёргания кадров (изображение перемещается скачками).

Клип хороший.
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  02.03.2025 09:08
Очень хороший и приятный клип. Мне он показался слегка затянутым, но это мелочи.

Приятная картинка, отличное мв. Автор хорошо передал атмосферу.

Leberate   User profile  Video channel
  02.03.2025 00:27
Трек кайфовый
Klertrol   User profile
  01.03.2025 18:23
Посмотрю и оценю за полночь.
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