
Angel with a shotgun

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This is my second time at the Big Contest and I'm still very excited! I recently caught up with the new Trigun anime and as a fan of the old one, I was really impressed by it! So, I decided to make an AMV for the Big Contest! I used a song that I absolutely love and that I think was written specifically for Vash hahaa :D I also tried to follow a kind of storyline that explores the anime from beginning to end! I hope you like it!

Аниме: Trigun Stampede
Музыка: The Cab - Angel with a shotgun

Angel with a shotgun

Angel with a shotgun

Angel with a shotgun

Angel with a shotgun

Angel with a shotgun

Angel with a shotgun

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3.49 3.49 (49 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 15.04.2023)
Добавил: MariusDcc 08.05.2023 в 08:47
3.49 3.49 (49 голосов)
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Kvant   User profile
  17.07.2023 23:23
Боже мой, какая попса...
Gambetta   User profile  Video channel
  12.06.2023 17:28
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Правильно, справедливость должна быть с кулаками. И должны быть те, ради которых сражаешься. Приятное видео, отлично смотрится и пересматривается.
Bean780   User profile
  08.06.2023 21:30
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this was great the beginning was a little less 'polished'. but it was a very decent video overall.
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  23.05.2023 01:19
слишком много не мотивированного экшна для такой песни
Scara   User profile  Video channel
  19.05.2023 14:28
You have a very nice sync and flow in this and i like how dynamic your editing is! Though sometimes i felt like it was maybe too dynamic. Especially during some of the calmer parts, less frequent cutting could look better. Like this, the only time the viewer has time to rest his eyes is at the very end, everything inbetween is constantly intense.
Another factor contributing to this is the constant flashing. Flashes are great and i personally also like using them, but they become very tiring, if they're used in every scene. Also a tip! Instead of using the fade in/fade out transition, put a black solid above your clips, turn down the opacity and use the fade in/out on that. That way you can easily control the intensity of your flashes. Basically if you never let the flash go into complete black, it will look a lot smoother and more pleasant to watch!

Overall an enjoyable video though and a big improvement from your last year's amv! c:
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  16.05.2023 22:35
дропнул примерно на минуте. видеоряд обыгран плохо.
GoAlice   User profile
  13.05.2023 14:32
Не смотрела исходник, поэтому трудно полностью оценить работу с выбором кадров. Но в целом впечатления приятные, классный клип.
Отдельное спасибо за стильные титры.

I didn't watch this anime so it's hard for me to evaluate your scene selection but it feels good. Cool AMV.
Special thanks for stylish titles.
altermann   User profile  Video channel
  12.05.2023 08:04
Мда, какой же новый триган всратый. Соберусь ли я с силами его когда-нибудь посмотреть? А клип техничен, хорошо напилено.
Strannick610   User profile  Video channel
  12.05.2023 05:02
Музыка весьма смазливая, но по сравнению с другими видео на этот аниме исходник, недостатки анимации значительно менее заметные.
Darksss 73   User profile
  11.05.2023 04:09
Although I dislike the new remaster of the anime, the clip on it turned out to be good.
Sony vegas + Adobe after effects = I respect this combination.
Bauzi   User profile  Video channel
  10.05.2023 23:35
I think it's pretty cool and I like that you were able to integrate the overlay effects in a well fitting none cheesy way.
FT   User profile  Video channel
  09.05.2023 07:58
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Your overall flow and scene selection is cool. However, the constant use of fades throughout the video ruin the viewing experience. some of the movie tape transitions, such as the one at 0:28 in the first part of the clip, feel out of place.

Some compositions could be improved, such as the one at 1:39, while others look pretty cool, like the one at 2:04. I enjoyed watching the video, good luck in the contest.

Death_Kn1ght   User profile
  09.05.2023 02:15
Well nicely done action. By the way shotgun not equal to the pistol/revolver, no ?
slavarussko   User profile
  08.05.2023 23:22
Сценарийсюжетрассказ (ну хоть что-то?) 6 из 10
Подстановка сцен под трек (суммарно по клипу): 6 и 10
Визуальная гармония с треком (субъективная): 8 из 10
Качество монтажа: среднее без экспериментов
Перегруженность деталями: относительное
Концептуальная креативность: 0
В целом субъективно: 8 из 10

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