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Реклама Все выложенные на сайте видеоролики целиком и полностью созданы энтузиастами (поклонниками аниме или музыки) для других энтузиастов и не связаны с музыкальными исполнителями или аниме компаниями никаким образом. Использование материалов сайта разрешено при условии наличия активной гиперссылки на первоисточник. |
The author wanted experiments in the form of Eminem.
This is pure action, not some kind of story.
To me ok, clip.
We are waiting for you on Big Contest 2023.
it depends)
There is no cheating lol? You think using op or ed makes the editing easier? That makes no sense. I used short scenes from various ed and source, no long scenes are used here. You need to work on your raw editing to appreciate a proper edit, if you consider raw editing or using op ed as cheating editing.
Imho, the scene selection may be somewhat more connected with the song atmoshere. Thre were some editing mismatches between light and dark scenes. Anyway, you's the author and this is how you see this m/v...
Edit here is not that fluent as it could be.
I do like your previous videos, and i'm keen on looking smth less cheating, than just an openings flow)
I used google translator but did you say its random? Since when are amv required to be made based on lyrics? That alone to a rap song. You clearly have comprehension issue, although its impossible to sync to a rap song lyrics but I did match to the lyrics where it was possible.
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