
StoneGyver NCOP

When I watched the very first episodes of Dr. Stone I had some nostalgic feelings - it has good few pieces of MacGyver's universe.

I was very happy about that especially because it's an anime with this kind of setting.
Then I asked myself: What if MacGyver has a time traveller spin off?
In that case I think Dr. Stone could be a pretty good alternative story.

On 2020's NatsuCon AMV Contest in Hungary we got a special challenge: Make an opening for your favorite anime show/film.
So I brought this earlier idea of mine to the surface.
Then here we are, It's finished!

Used lots of effects to achieve some kind of 80's cartoon/anime look.
My reference in this case was the french made 'Les mondes engloutis' also known as Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea.
This cartoon and Dr. Stone has not much similarity (except they are both animation), but the important thing is: MacGyver and the french animated series was also shot on film for TV in the 80's.
The main connection is the analog look because of the film-, and broadcasting anomalies of those times caused by technology limitation.

So, that was my thought process in terms of effects.

Аниме: Dr. Stone
Музыка: Randy Edelman- MacGyver Theme Song

StoneGyver NCOP

StoneGyver NCOP

StoneGyver NCOP

StoneGyver NCOP

StoneGyver NCOP

StoneGyver NCOP

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3.35 3.35 (23 голоса)
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Автор: (клип создан: 27.02.2021)
Добавил: Milan21 18.04.2021 в 13:03
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canalla   User profile
  25.04.2021 23:29
Ну, получился неплохой опенинг в стиле сериалов 80-х . Хотя конец какой-то оборванный.
Не смотрел MacGyver, помню что смотрел The A-Team.

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