
Your Connection

В клипе присутствуют серьезные спойлеры!

I started this little project right before the beginning of winter break. I was kinda hoping to actually finish it on the same day to see how fast I could edit this, but obviously that didn't happen.

I watched this movie about a month and a half ago, and I loved it so much, I couldn't even decide which song to use before choosing this one. Y'know, for a song that's 2 mins & 28 seconds, this took longer than I thought it would, but it was all worth it 'cuz of all the new effects I picked up in Premiere.

Giving a special shoutout to Opner, TwigglyFiggly, Kireblue & Xophilarus for 1) whose videos gave the extra motivation to finish this, and 2) for the beta testing and feedback.

Аниме: Kimi no Na Wa.
Музыка: OneRepublic - Connection

Your Connection

Your Connection

Your Connection

Your Connection

Your Connection

Your Connection

Your Connection

Your Connection

Your Connection

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480 x 270
640 x 360
720 x 405
960 x 540
3.45 3.45 (20 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 01.02.2020)
Студия: Silent Hero Studios
Добавил: silentherostudios 02.09.2020 в 07:35
3.45 3.45 (20 голосов)
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