

2 место на NCS AMV Contest 2020.

Комментарий автора: A few thank you's before because the video would not exist if not for these few circumstances.

1. Caroline. This woman has supported me in a way I can't really say I understand. She has these ideas that she struggles to apply to her own videos and has always looked up to me which has put a sense of pressure for me to show something new and refreshing rather than spit out something boring and forgettable. She has a vision for creativity that most can't comprehend and many likely will be unable to comprehend and that's what has helped drive me to never cease to improve because if I drop my guard I no longer will be the "teacher".

2. Judy. From very early on when I began this girl has been like my cheerleader. From the beginning of this video you saw the video each step along the way of being made and like everything else I make you gave me excitement to create non stop until I had to sleep.

3. Dan. For a while I was starting to think that this guy was stuck in this bubble of his ideal version of what makes a video good and his obsession with composites with 3 dimensions that are executed correctly was something I found myself wanting to get away from so I'd jokingly make a lot of videos doing 2D composites because I didn't think that was all a video was meant to be composed of. However those boring were always boring for me to watch myself. During my half a year away from creating last year upon returning I found that I allied with him in that regard. Although I did realize I never disagreed I just didn't want to make the same videos as him and had no idea what that would look like without copying someone at that time. But I did eventually, I found the creativity that I lost. The pressure of having him as someone who has once taught me was hard to deal with but once you rise to the occasion of that pressure you can create like this.

4. The most obvious person I'm going to accredit for most the things I create is Jonas. Without meeting this guy I'd have likely succumb to the constant barrage of "learn the basics". He's always guided me in a way most of you reading this can't even understand. He helped me find my footing in what I wanted to create opening my mind to creating what I imagine rather than what the vast majority consider "correct".

5. Lokkiclu not long before starting the project I was shared a beta of a video that more or less said "stay outside of the box" a frame of it in isolation was my desktop background for nearly a year and it went of to influence this video but was a source of inspiration for some of my following videos.

Some other mentions:
Neverend, Styx, & Kylie

& I'd like to thank anyone who has supported me from what ever point you climbed aboard this train that has been driven forward by me, without my supporting cast I could have ended up just as the last people I'd like to thank.

Which brings me to you; I'd like to thank all those who have constantly preached things about "the basics". You types of people bore me, your videos put me to sleep. You served as the largest motivation for creating this video. I'm tired of seeing so many people both young and old enter this community with so much potential to do something new and you ever so quickly see all that they had to offer fade away into fitting your ideals of what makes a video good. I'll tell you all a secret about what led to me being who I am. Not once when I first began did Nards hound me with "how" I should do things, he'd only use the word "could" when helping me but the important thing was he'd always ask me to tell him what I was trying to do. & try and help me reach that goal. Remember the first amv you saw? Remember what it felt like when only your opinion was relevant? Remember when things looked nice to you before other started deciding what looked good or bad? Remember when your standard was to be new or simply "create"? If so try and enjoy Kids by Coach.

I don't follow your rules, I follow mine. What looks good to me might not look good to you. However I invite anyone who feels different about my creation to do better than me next year. Trust me I'm not someone who gets discouraged by losing, in fact I want to lose because if I do then that means I'll get to watch something incredible.

Аниме: Mix
Музыка: Roy Blair - Dennis
Награды: 2 место на NCS AMV Contest 2020






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Автор: (клип создан: 24.07.2020)
Добавил: Minstrel 02.08.2020 в 21:21
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Strannick610   User profile  Video channel
  03.08.2020 04:33
Как-то так - https://youtu.be/SfcGSlC9c_0?t=133 некоторые эффекты очень кринжовые.
чайный пьяница   User profile  Video channel
  02.08.2020 23:28
мальчик молодец и детки веселые
telepati   User profile
  02.08.2020 22:09
там наверное не клип важен а аннотация к нему. читать я ее конечно же не буду. и музыка мне не нравится и сабов нет чтоб понять что он там поёт. и вообще я злой сегодня, в оценочную колы сил нет идти ставить - поэтому поставлю здесь

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