
One Day

В клипе присутствуют серьезные спойлеры!

Внимание, ретро-AMV. Клип создан 1 июля 2002 года. 

Комментарий автора: What makes this video different from my previous videos:

This video was a major transition from my FF ones. One Day is the first music video I've made using footage from an anime and not Final Fantasy. A few people had said they wanted to see somehting other than FF videos from me, so now I finally made one, and I'm very happy with it. This is also the first video I made using my new computer and Adobe Premiere. The effects are much more sophisticated and proffessional-looking and I could finally use the effects I wanted to with Premiere. I used the Premiere avisynth plugins to directly edit the VOB's from the DVD and so this video has awesome picture quality, which my previous videos lacked.

The anime/music combination:

After watching the Ah! My Goddess movie, I knew I had to do an MV to it just because the animation was beatiful and I owned the DVD. My older sister suggested a few songs to me, and I particularly felt the FFH CD fit the movie best, so I borrowed the CD from her and decided on this song because it suited Belldandy and her personality.

The concept:

I really wanted to make a tribute to Belldandy because I thought she was such an admirable person. The movie focused a lot around her, and yet most music videos are about the Belldandy/Keichii relationship rather than Belldandy as an individual, so I decided to do a character profile of her. Mainly the video is about Belldandy's hope that someday everything will turn out all right for everyone, and that someday she'll get back her memories of Keichii and they'll be like they were before: just living happily. I tried to minimize scenes of Keichii since the video isn't really about him, but Belldandy's story can't really be told without mention of him so there are a few scenes of him and Belldandy. The video will probably make more sense to someone who's watched the movie. Warning: there are some spoilers for the movie in this video.

Аниме: Ah! My Goddess (Movie)
Музыка: FFH - Fly Away

One Day

One Day

One Day

One Day

One Day

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3.30 3.30 (20 голосов)
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Автор: (клип создан: 30.06.2002)
Студия: Dark Moon Studios
Добавил: altermann 27.06.2020 в 09:55
3.30 3.30 (20 голосов)
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