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Ну я могу поставить, честно, 1, потому что честно.
I rated this video a good rating.
Now about the unobvious moments.
In my opinion, the story is told too straightforwardly. Although this is just my opinion. It’s your right, as an author, to tell stories as you see fit.
But still, while watching, the thought did not leave me that, even though this clip is about girls, the clip was told purely in the men's style.
(It's like there is manga, about adult girls, designed for reading by men. She is also straightforward. And there is a manga about adult girls, designed for reading by girls. This manga is less straightforward and more sensual.)
Perhaps I wrote this because I would like to see in this clip less straightforward, more veiled, sensuality. As paradoxical as it may sound. However, I repeat, your right as an author to submit the story in the form in which you consider it necessary. ^^
Also, for some reason, watching this clip made by you, "Superposition", I remembered another clip you made - "HANA". So, as if between them there is some kind of connection. As if there ("HANA") is the dark side. And here ("Superposition") is the light white side. Although perhaps this is just an association.
Now in order to smile a little.
I noticed a bird scene in your clip.
And that is very, very good. This is a very good reference scene, used by modern, beautiful and modest authors of clips participating in the competition with clips of a similar orientation. Hehe. (Perhaps you will be able to appreciate this joke a bit later.)
Yes, I also saw butterfly scenes in your video. Whose wings are so vulnerable and sensitive that they can suffer from one careless touch. But the bird scene is cooler.
(Most likely both scenes, with butterflies and birds, are allegories. But we’re already joking a little ~_^)
I also liked the reference to physics (including astrophysics) in the description of the clip.
You managed, in one sentence, to combine together the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. That is, to do what scientists have not yet been able to do. Here she is the great power of art!
(I'm talking about high energy physics and a unified field theory, if that).
All in all a good job. I hope that the online translator has not greatly distorted my words.
Good luck in the contest!
Очень даже неплохо.
Jokes aside it's nice simple vid and the first with that anime that I really enjoyed :3
Ну и автор походу с юморком - название нам как бы намекает.
Super-position - https://i.imgur.com/3RnotwZ.jpg
Ну-с , и тот и этот создают настроение . Разве что отличаются Лишь визуальной стилистикой. Хороший пример того , что не стоит упарываться в эффектики , а можно просто с цк поработать ИМХО. Ну и местами быстро кадры сменяются, как-то выглядит резковато . Такие дела.
Постер хорошо оформлен со вкусом.
Ну так-то неплохой клипец