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30/50 - эффорт.
15/50 - как мне понравился клип. (В итоге 45/100)
Эффорт виден, все сцены хорошо подбираны, но я если честно промотал. Не интересный клип. Я бы голосовал за Vision Beyond Reach и Last Respects как стори, но их тут нету. И да поля мешает.
чутка скучновато но в принципе хорошо
+ очень годно сделана звуковая дорожка.
Основная проблема клипа - это заеженость жанра с вирусами.
В принципе - мне понравилось, но не в новинку.
thank you so much for this constructive comment it's really fun ^^ I see exactly what you mean! I wanted to test new things because it is sorely lacking in depth, despite that I am proud to have done so ^^ sorry for my English: '(b>Vhenrik,
Thank you very much ^^ iLyes,
thank you !! EGK_,
I've read Kroner's comment on this, and I'm writing the followings for the same reason. I find this video interesting, and good, but:
Firstly, I think I can collectively speak for others as well, that all these scenes are so damn overused that some of us may dream with these every night maybe. When I first looked at the screenshots I thought this gonna make me vomit, like "Ah no, not again Tokyo Ghoul Disaster monster video with some generic sh1t". But then it suddenly changed, because you still achieved something different than what I was expecting. Now, I can only imagine how would I feel if you used different, less mainstream scenes. Using this, (even with the custom scenes) was the easiest way, with lesser effort.
After that the tracking, and some compositing parts could've been executed better, but honestly I barely noticed them because of the immersive atmosphere (expect for those damn ugly motion tiles. Sorry but I hate it when they let it be visible like that when all one has to do is just increase scale. From: 2:40 especially). So not that big oopsie overall, but they are still there.
Since I mentioned 2:40...This part should've been so much better with more actionful scenes. And now we are talking about scene selection again, which, in itself was good at least, until now, but the ending was a downhill for me. From 2:52 to 3:02 you used Zankyou no terror's most overused flashback scene possible, for 10 seconds. And yes, we can see 2-3 explosions, the Earth scenes are really good, they fit well, and then the flowers too, but again, they last too long, and take away precious time from other potential scenes...
Well, that's it.
And again, I'm writing this bcause I'm angry. Because I enjoy, and like this video, and I feel like this could've been WAY MUCH BETTER.
I'm not giving you 3, because for me it's not totally avarage, but it's far from 5 too. Good luck on the contest, and in the future! I wish to see more from you!
Overall I vibed tho, some segments felt rly good, keep it up
Но если субъективно, то лично мне, было скучно. Возможно потому, что уже устал от темы вирусов.
НУ, типо, гуль и другая йоба намикают...
Kroner -AMV-,