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а вам все разъясни и в рот положи
Иногда интересно, что автор задумал, а иногда, и самому пища для размышлений полезна. Но, как говориться...не для всех
Nice stabbing at 2:53, it almost made me believe they were in the same anime (hah). Hei has godlike speed after he stabs Kiritsugu, just saying.
3:27 Kiritsugu is dead like your editing skills .
You might be onto something
You could still split your comment then
When they remove the 5000 character limit I'll consider it.
02:57 - сразу после этого, расстояние между обоими метров 10-20
Технику не поленился расписать MrNosec.
Спасибо за внимание.
очень интересно твое мнения, держи в курсе
Без этого "друга", он бы не умер.
А какой толк, все равно не спас. Хотя бы автор сделал как он самопожертвовал себя ради своего друга, было бы куда логичнее, но можно было еще что-то крутое сделать.
Я просто говорю то что мне нравиться и как я вижу работу. Подход в клипе мне понравилось, но с концовкой был огорчен, автор превратил всю работу в прах с этой концовкой.
где же маньяк его убил? Что ты несешь?
Если не заметил они были друзья из детства и когда они дрались там на него упали эти балки и убили его, а этот "маньяк" как ты говоришь пытался его спасти в самый последний момент когда увидел что на него падают эти балки, тем самым автор показывает что на самом деле он как друг не хотел убивать его изначально. Очевидно, пересмотри перед тем как писать дичь эту. Я когда твои комменты вижу то выпилиться хочу, текст ради текста
Ps: that Matrix dodge scene was really nice xD
I appreciate the effort put into this video, I'm sure a "crossover action/drama" can be very tricky to execute successfully, but unfortunately it also requires pedantic technical level to feel coherent throughout, this video has many shortcomings, some so glaringly obvious that I noticed during first viewing and ruined the impression of a few scenes.
First of all, it's in 720p, I know you started this more than 2 years ago but your Kyoani tribute from 2 months ago is also in 720p, so I don't think that was a factor that influenced this. This is the first scene of the highest quality download provided by AMVnews: https://i.imgur.com/cNveFoo.png look at the banding on the hair and gradients, it's like a bad anime streaming website, even worse on yt, it says it was encoded with AMVSimple but I don't think that's the problem here. Also, on Youtube the bitrate of your video is tied to what fps & resolution you upload your video in, simply upscaling your video to 1080p or 1440p specifically for youtube would greatly boost the quality of your video, that is if your source didn't look like this in the first place.
Some of the masks that aren't even moving keep morphing and changing shape, like so: https://imgur.com/S1YFUDt.mp4 why is that? It doesn't happen often at all and the only moving part of the car is the opening door, there's no need to draw a new mask every new frame for an object that literally is frozen in place and only one part of it is moving, and even if the camera was panning in the anime you could just move the mask around since it's always the same exact shape and size throughout the whole scene and make another mask for the moving part.
There's also many compositing overlooks that go by mostly unnoticed but they should be obvious for other editors and most of all, the author, for example at 0:25 the hair on the left character has a bright outline/stroke, while the character on the right which I suspect belonged to that scene already has a thick black outline, not to mention this odd overlaying of perspective by the character furthest away to occlude the hair of the character in front of him going by the camera's perspective https://i.imgur.com/r2c5FIN.png , the photos on the wall somehow having more exposure than the light coming from the right of the frame https://i.imgur.com/9NNNMrM.png , the tracked text and flares here are unfortunate https://i.imgur.com/bwwNuIS.png , I think that's enough examples of this.
The motion graphics segment at 1:17 felt really tacked on, monochromatic red grading, rotating graphic elements, text with motion blur all with an old film grain overlay effect evokes an aesthetic not present anywhere else in the video, when it cut back to anime footage it was jarring how raw everything else felt in comparison, despite being a crossover.
The sniper scene is where all suspension of disbelief that this could actually be believable is lost, the changes of perspective make no sense no matter how aesthetic you might find them, for example this is his first POV https://i.imgur.com/LGUcxBu.png clearly at the same level and focusing on them.
Next thing you know hes aiming at some surface which looks like the floor predicting blood to splatter on it https://i.imgur.com/Jw6Nczt.mp4 this makes no sense on how he can get a look at the floor from this perspective or why he was staring at the floor intensely to begin with if he was already aiming at both of them before.
It couldn't be because he lost sight of them when they lowered themselves during the fight and was looking for traces of blood to indicate the outcome either since he is clearly aiming at him while he's on his knees in the next POV https://i.imgur.com/HTw6NBF.png
When the song peaks at 2:40 it was so damn underwhelming, after watching "Beautiful Crime" by "Kazumoe" before this, I know how impactful this song, and this part specifically, can be in a music video, but the build up is just panning shots of two characters frozen in place staring at each other while slowly zooming out and finally fading out, despite the song being literally a smothered screaming chorus getting clearer as it reaches the climax with ever louder looping instrumentals, and when it finally drops he just casually sprints, the hair at 2:46 was an easy enough fix but I won't get into that.
TL;DR this had many sloppy stuff that could be easily fixed, but if it's good enough for you and you're content with the outcome, all there's left of me to do is congratulate you on completing it and the awards that came along with it, well done.