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MomoCon 2019: AMV & V-MIX Contest - {$1,200 Cash Prize}

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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 35
Рега: 30.10.2010
Сообщения: 61
Откуда: Georgia, U.S.A
Страна: США

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Дек 27, 2018 4:29 pm    Заголовок сообщения: MomoCon 2019: AMV & V-MIX Contest - {$1,200 Cash Prize} Ответить с цитатой

I'm pleased to announce that MomoCon is now accepting entries for it's 2019 AMV & V-MIX Competition!
Entries will be accepted until Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019 @ 11:59pm EST. Each AMV Contest finalist will receive a free 4-day membership to MomoCon 2019, and the winner of each category will receive a trophy and $75 Cash Prize. We're also giving $100 to the Coordinator's Choice Award winner, and $500 to the Director's Choice Award winner.

MomoCon's AMV Contest welcomes submissions from all forms of animation. We also have a separate V-MIX (Video Remix) Competition for Live Action submissions, Cosplay Music Videos, and animated music videos that would either be ineligible or doesn't fit into an AMV Contest category. V-MIX Competition winners will receive an award and a free membership to next year's convention (MomoCon 2020).

This year, we're encouraging editors to submit videos that match our 2019 theme of "Cyberpunk: Yesterday's city of today, because tomorrow is soon". All accepted submissions to either the AMV or V-MIX Competition are eligible to win the “MomoCon 2019 Theme Award” and $50 cash prize regardless of their genre, content, or whether or not they make finals. This award doesn't have a designated category, and so participants will still need to determine the best fit category for their entry if submitting to the AMV Contest.

2019 AMV & V-MIX Submission Form

Rules and Guidelines

1) All submitted entries must comply with the the Basic & Auxiliary guidelines outlined in the CONGRSS Rules

2a) The AMV Contest allows submissions from all forms of Animation. This includes but isn't limited to non Japanese animation like RWBY, Steven Universe, Samurai Jack, My little Pony, Overwatch and League of Legends.

2b) The V-MIX Competition welcomes Live Action submissions, Cosplay Music Videos, and animated music videos that would either be ineligible or doesn't fit into a AMV Contest category.

3) All submitted videos must be under 6 minutes long.

4a) Entrants are only allowed to submit (1) video to a specific AMV Contest category. Also, entrants are allowed to submit to any (2) of the (6) categories. Entrants are allowed to submit to a 3rd AMV Contest category if one of their submissions is to either the Trailer or Comedy/ Parody category. Lastly, a single video can not be submitted to more than one category.

4b) Entrants can submit up to 3 additional videos to the V-MIX Competition. Videos submitted to the V-MIX Competition must not be eligible to participate in the AMV Contest

5) All submissions must be sent by Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019 at 11:59 pm (EST).

The AMV contest has six categories. Entrants are allowed to select the best fit category for their submission, but if our judges strongly disagree, it may be moved to a better fitting category. *The V-MIX Competition doesn't have categories, and so videos submitted to it will be judged against every other submitted video. The AMV Contest categories are as follows:

Romance / Sentimental
Fun / Upbeat
Comedy / Parody

File Formats:
We accept a wide range of file types, but MP4 is preferred. We strongly discourage submitting QuickTime, DivX, Real Media or Flash Video.

We'll select the top five videos from each category, and screen them during the convention. Finalists will be announced and notified via e-mail about a week after the submission deadline passes. Videos that are not selected as finalists will be moved to the V-MIX Competition, and be eligible to win awards. During the AMV Contest screening (May 25th, 2019), MomoCon attendees will vote on which video they feel should win each individual category. Once the votes have been tailed, the winners will be announced at the contest screening and via twitter . The AMV contest will also be streamed LIVE on MomoCon's twitch channel

Unlike the AMV contest, the V-MIX Competition doesn't have finalists. After the submission deadline passes, our panel of judges will select videos to receive specific awards that will be announced during the V-MIX Competition screening (May 26th, 2019).

In addition to the V-MIX awards and Category winners, there will also be the following awards:

    Judges' Choice: Chosen by MomoCon volunteer staff prior to the convention.
    Coordinator's Choice: Chosen solely by the AMV Contest Coordinator (Erik Norelus "Kireblue")
    Director's Choice: Chosen solely by the Co-Chair/ Founder of MomoCon (Jessica Merriman)
    Editors' Choice: Chosen via online voting by participants that submit to either the AMV or V-MIX Competition

We also give editors the opportunity to label themselves as a “rookie” or “novice” on their submission forms. By selecting these classifications, participants will become eligible to receive the “Best Rookie” or “Best Novice” awards which are meant to recognize the hard work of editors at different levels of experience. For the purpose of our judging, a “Novice” is someone who has been editing for a year or less, and has little to no prior experience in video editing. A “Rookie” is someone who may had prior experience in video editing, but has been editing for a year or less, or has never won a major category award in a contest (Best Action, Drama, Comedy, etc). Selecting either of these options will not disqualify a participant from making finals or winning additional awards.

Note: Our panel of judges consists of over a dozen members of MomoCon's AMV and general volunteer staff. This includes editors from AMV groups such as PixelBlended Studios, Chaotic Bad Raptor Studios, editors that aren't affiliated with any group, and also non-editors. MomoCon doesn't show bias or favoritism to any particular group or editor, and takes steps to ensure that each video is judged fairly.

Awards & Prizes:

Anything not claimed will be shipped out immediately after the convention.

2019 AMV & V-MIX Submission Form
The form requires you to provide a download link of your video via a file sharing service like Google Drive or Dropbox. Please ensure that the URL is a “shared” or “public” link. If your AMV is available for local download on, you can instead provide a link to its video information page.

If your video meets the necessary rules and requirements, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you within 3 days. At any time, MomoCon reserves the right to not show or ultimately disqualify any video for any reason.

If you have questions regarding any of MomoCon's AMV events or programming, you can contact us at

About MomoCon:
MomoCon is an annual 4-day multi-genre convention held in Atlanta, Georgia that features content and programming targeted to every age group. In 2018, MomoCon welcomed over 35,000 attendees and became the 5th largest anime convention in North America! MomoCon 2019 will take place at the Georgia World Congress Center from May 23rd – 26th.

More information about MomoCon can be found here:

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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 35
Рега: 30.10.2010
Сообщения: 61
Откуда: Georgia, U.S.A
Страна: США

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Апр 04, 2019 2:17 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Friendly reminder that the AMV & V-MIX Competition deadline is less than 3 Weeks away. And also, our theme for 2019 is.....

Yesterday's city of today, because tomorrow is soon!

All accepted submissions to either the AMV or V-MIX Competition are eligible to win the “MomoCon 2019 Theme Award” and $50 cash prize regardless of their genre, content, or whether or not they make finals.

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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 35
Рега: 30.10.2010
Сообщения: 61
Откуда: Georgia, U.S.A
Страна: США

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Апр 22, 2019 3:12 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Submissions close tomorrow (4/23) at 11:59 PM EDT

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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 35
Рега: 30.10.2010
Сообщения: 61
Откуда: Georgia, U.S.A
Страна: США

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Апр 29, 2019 4:50 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Hello everyone! The prejudging for MomoCon's 2019 AMV Contest is now over, and so we're pleased to announce the 30 finalists that we narrowed down from our all time high of 246 accepted entries. If your video is one of them, and you intend to go to the convention, please message me to get a code to redeem a free 4 day membership to the convention.

Also, for those of you that will be in attendance, don't forget to RSVP for the Editors' Dinner that will take place at the Stats Sports Bar located about 2 blocks away from the convention center. It's currently scheduled for Friday, May 24th at 10pm, and you can RSVP by posting in the following forum thread.

So without further, the videos selected as AMV Contest finalists are:

"Bubblegum Crisis 2034" by Maboroshi Studio
"Didney's Pingoos" by Xophilarus
"Fullmetal Alchemist: Endgame" by PaNTSU oF d00m
"Gearless" by Trenzilla
"Guardians of Final Space" by BecauseImBored1

Drama / Serious
"Circuit Tree" by shorisquared
"Do what it takes" by Speedy180
"Letting Go" by Mysunsai
"Weaving Wounds" by Xophilarus
"You Know How I Feel" by NATALEO

"Duelists In Winter" by Kirbygal
"Gilded" by SuperEltanin
"Into The Cyber-Verse" Ileia
"Off The Ceiling" by Rider4Z
"Survival League" by Elixir

Romance / Sentimental
"Broken BoneZ" by Sean.PNG
"Happy Little Clouds" by Glitzer
"Jackie & Wilson" by Espresso Yourself
"Magnum Modus" by Xophilarus & Shin
"You make me smile" by VideoBeats

Fun / Upbeat
"KMS Kawaii Metal Symphony" by Bimyou
"Revel in the Dark" by Sean.PNG
"Sugar Hips" by Shin
"The Ouran Side" by BecauseImBored1
"Undeadman Zombieland" by PaNTSU oF d00m

"Bebe Doo Where Are You" by drewaconclusion
"It's up to Yuri" by Rider4Z
"My Dragon Gal and Me" by Kirbygal
"Technically They're Kappa" by Angelic Daze Cosplay
"The Slippery Slope" by PieandBeer

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Пол: Пол:Муж
Возраст: 35
Рега: 30.10.2010
Сообщения: 61
Откуда: Georgia, U.S.A
Страна: США

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Май 31, 2019 3:43 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Another MomoCon in the books! Thank you everyone that submitted to either our AMV Contest or AMVs on Stage Concert this year. Due to all of your continued support, we were able to make these events a tremendous success.

But without further ado, the winners of our 2019 competitions are the following:

AMV Contest
1st Place Trailer - "Fullmetal Alchemist: Endgame" by PaNTSU oF d00m
1st Place Drama / Serious - "You Know How I Feel" by NATALEO
1st Place Action - "Survival League" by Elixir
1st Place Romance / Sentimental - "Happy Little Clouds" by Glitzer
1st Place Fun / Upbeat - "Undeadman Zombieland" by PaNTSU oF d00m
1st Place Comedy / Parody - "Technically, They're Kappa" by Angelic Daze

Judges Choice - "Off The Ceiling" by Rider4Z
Editors' Choice - "Happy Little Clouds" by Glitzer
Coordinator's Choice - "Old Toy Road" by Ileia
Director's Choice - "Circuit Tree" by shorisquared

A playlist of all available AMV Contest winners can be found here: AMV Contest Winners

Also, if you missed the LIVE Stream of the AMV Contest, you can now watch it here on twitch .
I'll try to have the local file uploaded to the MomoCon AMV Youtube page within the next week.

V-MIX Competition
MomoCon 2019 Theme Award - "Into the Cyber-Verse" by Ileia
Best Novice - "You Know How I Feel" by NATALEO
Best Rookie - "Jackie & Wilson" by Espresso Yourself
Best Advertisement - "Kingdom Parks" by Nekokitkat
Best GMV - "Pixel Spirit" by Freeman-47
Best Aesthetic - "Persimmon" by PieandBeer
Most Uplifting - "Are Meow Ready" by Nekokitkat
Best Concept - "Dark Machiavelli" by Mycathatesyou
Best Source Pairing - "Abyss Story" by Cirera
Most Nostalgic - "The Enchanted Place" by hamstar138
Most Bittersweet - "Forever and Ever" by Soltaru
Best Character Profile - "Good Time" by Rider4Z
Best Rhythm - "Row Row Remix" by BecauseImBored1
Best Tribute - "Walt Disney Bohemian Rhapsody" by Vik
Most Artistic - "Overthinker" by DivineAMV
Best Atmosphere - "Pachyderm Panic" by drewaconclusion
Best Draction - "Spill This Blood" by JanikaChan & Trenzilla
Most Pleasantly Surprising - "The Sound of Silence" by thefanvideoer2
Best Technical - "Art Of The Mind" by Spartan Media Productions

All V-MIX winners are eligible to receive a free 4-day membership to MomoCon 2020. I will be sending you all an email about how to redeem this pass when I announce the 2020 contest towards the end of the year.

A playlist of all the available V-Mix winners can be found here: V-MIX Competition Winners

Iron Editor
(Intro Video)
BioticAMVs (Winning Video)
Kirbygal (Video)

Posted after 44 seconds:

To Those that want some more statistics for the AMV Contest

2nd Place Videos
Trailer - "Guardians of Final Space" by BecauseImBored1 (2/553 vote Difference)
Drama / Serious - "Letting Go" by Mysunsai (8/601 vote Difference)
Action - "Duelists in Winter" by Kirbygal (14/503 vote Difference)
Romance / Sentimental - "Jackie & Wilson" by Espresso Yourself (4/564 vote Difference)
Fun / Upbeat - "KMS Kawaii Metal Symphony" by Bimyou (65/524 vote Difference)
Comedy / Parody - "It's Up to Yuri" by Rider4Z (22/335 vote Difference)

Editors' Choice Top 3
"Happy Little Clouds" by Glitzer (53 Points)
"The Ouran Side" by BecauseImBored1 (42 Points)
"Weaving Wounds" by Xophilarus (39 Points)

Closest Category: Trailer - "Fullmetal Alchemist: Endgame" won by only 2 votes
Most Votes: "Fullmetal Alchemist: Endgame" received 191/553 Votes
Largest Win: Fun / Upbeat - "Undeadman Zombieland" received 178/524 votes & won by 65 votes

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